By Jacqueline Meldrum, Alumni relations associate
Delicious food, great company, and a captivating event program were all on the menu at Environment's 2022 Graduating Class Send-off on Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at Federation Hall. From 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., the venue was filled with smiles as Environment's soon-to-be alumni, faculty and staff turned out for a send-off to remember.
Since Grad Send-off was the Faculty

The event program was no exception to the excitement. The esteemed speakers were a highlight of the evening to be sure, with Alumni speakers Brandon Gaffoor, Planning, 2017, and Laura Galbraith, Environmental Science, 2008, captivating the attendees with their frank advice, inspiring words, and interesting stories about their journeys into the job market as young alumni.
Saamdu Chetri, founding member of the Gross National Happiness Centre in Bhutan also spoke to our future alumni. A practicing monk, Chetri began his remarks with a song, blessing the evening with a sense of calm, before imparting his wisdom to all in attendance. In addition, Senior Alumni Advancement Officer, Dheana Ramsay, shared tips for the future alumni on staying connected, and spoke about the various supports available through the University of Waterloo. Professor Jean Andrey, The Faculty of Environment Dean, also spoke to the future alumni.

A milestone event for Dean Andrey, lovingly known as Dean Jean, this was her final Grad Send-Off. Being an alumnus herself, and after 33 years with UWaterloo, Dean Jean's remarks were poignant and an inspiration to all. Many students look up to her as a leader and pillar of the Environment community, and will certainly be sad to see her go. In one of many messages to Dean Jean, graduating Planning student Christine Hyunh said, "...it feels like Dean Jean is graduating alongside me." The attendees of this year's Grad Send-off will forever remember Dean Jean's impact on them as they move into the next phase of their lives.
The evening's speakers were inspiring, and the event continued in the same vein, with faculty and staff members attending to support and celebrate their students. Faculty and staff have shaped the Environment faculty into the family that students know and love, and the 2022 graduates clearly feel that sense of community. Many made touching remarks about how Environment's community-driven culture has shaped them fundamentally.
In her remarks, Kate Diensttmann, Geography and Environment Management (GEM) graduate, 2022 said, “I'd like to thank all the professors who believed in me and encouraged me. I would not be where I am today without them.”
Likewise, Nashmia Aamir, International Development (INDEV) graduate, 2022 noted that, "My journey in the Faculty of Environment has been one full of emotion and self-growth, and I owe it all to the people here.”

"I had the great opportunity to be taught by Professor Wood several times, and he was one of the most charismatic and enthusiastic lecturers who enjoyed teaching his students. He was available any time to discuss any topic, whether it was academic-related or not.”, wrote Andrew Bezarevic.
“[Professor Wood] teaches his cohorts with passion and an emphasis on student care. He is someone you can go to with questions and you know you will have a good conversation with. He is what inspired me to go into public service and even wrote a letter of recommendation for my future endeavors... Without question [Professor] Wood is my favourite faculty member.”, enthused Cheuk-Hei Kelvin Ka.

Many other students also had messages of thanks to give to faculty and staff, including Jeffery Ren of Planning, who wrote;
“Special thanks to Dr. Martine August, Dr. Markus Moos, Prof. Rob Horne and Tiffany Chen for all their support!”
As the evening died down, the favourite memory prize draw was pulled, and the winners each received an adorable stuffed goose. Two door prize winners were drawn after the event, with additional stuffed geese going to Planning student Kaitlyn Whitehead and ERS student Jamie Taylor.
Despite the drizzle outside, the atmosphere inside Fed Hall as the event came to a close was electric. Before heading out, many attendees mentioned how thankful they were that the event had occurred in-person, and that it was a wonderful way to close out their degree.
“Truly, thank you so much for coordinating the event, and absolutely great job. It really was a great celebration for my last term.”, said Medha Shreena Maistry, Environment and Business, 2022.
Congratulations to all the Faculty of Environment’s future alumni! We look forward to celebrating you and this tremendous milestone at Convocation in June 2022.
Student Fun Award Certificate Winners

Graduate student most likely to wear sandals with socks - Justin Van Der Merwe
Graduate student most likely to drink exclusively out of mason jars - Lindsay Nooren
Planning student most likely to build something on their own property without checking the by-law first - Liam Tremblay
Knowledge Integration student most expected to end up somewhere unexpected - Kathyana Carvajal
SEED student most likely to have Neil Craik defend them after a protest - John Varghese
INDEV student most likely to continue seeking life advice from Karen Robertson - Nashmia Aamir
School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability student most likely to wear hip waders to a job interview - Dylan Buche
GEM student most likely to get lost using a map - Lucas Tanner
Aviation student most likely to fly a Cessna for the rest of their life - Maggie Poon
Geomatics student most likely to build a homemade LIDAR sensor - Longxiang Xu
Door Prize winners - Jamie Taylor (ERS), Kaitlyn Whitehead (Planning)