Article by AC Atienza in the Cloudfall Studios blog

Thursday, January 24, 2019

AC Atienza, Master's student in Experimental Digital Media, wrote an article entitled "Viewer Culture and Boardgames" for Cloudfall Interactive Studios. Atienza's research interest involves re-application of design principals from one field to another, such as game design into pedagogy or literary theory into game design. Atienza also works as a designer for Cloudfall Studios.

Their article, "Viewer Culture and Boardgames", questions why the popularity of watching people play video games doesn't extend to watching people play tabletop games. Atienza explores different reasons why spectating a board game or a role-playing game (RPG) might be a better option for some game enthusiasts, and how players can make spectating more accessible and engaging.

Cloudfall Studios is an indie game development company that strives to make bold games with colour and depth. They share public calls to playtest games in development on their Facebook page. You can learn more about their work by subscribing to their newsletter and by following their blog where they regularly post games-related content.