In Spring 2023, the GI staff began the task of turning their office into a green-certified space. Using the Sustainability Office guidelines, the GI qualified for a bronze certificate in a single semester. From small changes like energy-saving power bars to bigger changes like localized garbage bins; the GI made a myriad of effective long-term changes.
An Eco-Summit is held at UWaterloo each year with panels of student involvement in sustainability efforts; faculty representatives introducing sustainable strategies to departments; and staffing directors further illuminating how sustainability can be implemented at all levels of the University. GI Research Communications Coordinator Shae Ashcroft attended the Eco-summit to receive our certificate and returned to the office with more green-forward ideas.
The GI began this project in May, completing a full certification in just six months. With so much progress in such little time, the GI is already on pace for a silver certificate by the next Eco-Summit!