Water, Water Everywhere..?

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

GamesInstitute premier of Water, Water Everywhere game

On Oct 5, 2013, The Games Institute made a debut with the game: Water, Water everywhere that will be available to the public at THEMUSEUM until January 2014. 
With the Water, Water, everywhere game, participants will play a game of exploration that takes them on a journey around the exhibit. Participants will need to complete the 7 activities that involved making predictions, hunting for a water source of their own, learning facts about water use, and to understand the role water plays in their daily life. Every activity will result in some clean water, dirty water, or a mix of both. Choices that conserve water got more clean water while answers that waste water will netted more dirty water.
The game is divided into three streams. The HOME stream presents some simple challenges related to things people might find around the house. The NEIGHBORHOOD stream takes a wider view, but is a bit tougher. Those that are looking for a real challenge should try the WORLD stream, which will test their ability to judge the use of water the whole world over.  At the end, participants will be able to obtain a certificate and the drops of clean and dirty water would be added to the community bucket. Remember to go to THEMUSEUM before January 2014 to try the game out yourself! 

Don't forget to visit THEMUSEUM website to get more info on the Surface Tension Exhibit!

Try and play the online water game: h2ohmy.weebly.com

Will you tip the balance with good clean water, or leave behind the stain of pollution?

Community Bucket
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