Employer Impact Awards Rubric: Impact in International Excellence

Prompts (500-word maximum per prompt):

  1. Describe how co-op students are part of your organization’s global focus. That global focus can be through initiatives like hiring international students, utilizing international partnerships/information, being an international organization and more.
  2. Summarize how your organization’s global focus helps to expand the view of Waterloo co-op students. For example, a co-op students’ worldview may be expanded through experiences like working abroad or working in Canada on international-focused projects.
  3. Provide details about how co-op students have contributed to your global-focused strategy and made an impact or achieved results.

See our tips for a great application.

Prompts Scoring criteria 1-3 points 4-6 points 7-8 points 9-10 points
1. Describe how co-op students are part of your organization’s global focus. That global focus can be through initiatives like hiring international students, utilizing international partnerships/information, being an international organization and more.

Did they include the following?

  • The organization’s mission or vision as it relates to global engagement.
  • The value the organization places on international collaboration and global opportunities.
  • How the organization leverages global partnerships, collaborations or networks to enhance operations or knowledge sharing.
  • Efforts to adapt products, services, or strategies to meet the needs of diverse global audiences.

Provides minimal detail and few/no examples

Provides some detail and adequate examples

Provides adequate detail and good examples

Provides excellent detail and strong, connected examples

2. Summarize how your organization’s global focus helps to expand the view of Waterloo co-op students. For example, a co-op students’ worldview may be expanded through experiences like working abroad or working in Canada on international-focused projects.

Did they include the following?

  • Highlight specific ways Waterloo co-op students experience the organization’s global focus.
  • Experiences that helped students develop key skills such as cultural competency, global problem-solving, adaptability and an understanding of international business dynamics.
  • How students are involved in the organization’s global strategy.
  • How the organization supports students in navigating these global opportunities, such as through training, mentorship and/or settling into a new culture.
  • Examples of international focused projects where students played a key role.
Provides minimal detail and few/no examples Provides some detail and adequate examples Provides adequate detail and good examples Provides excellent detail and strong, connected examples
3. Provide details about how co-op students have contributed to your global-focused strategy and made an impact or achieved results.

Did they include the following?

  • How these experiences expanded students’ understanding of global issues, enhanced their career readiness and inspired them to pursue globally focused roles in the future.
  • Measurable or tangible outcomes from students’ work ( e.g., increased efficiency, strengthened partnerships, insights that shaped decisions).
  • How/If co-op students bring fresh perspectives, cultural insights and innovative approaches that enhance your global-focused efforts.
Provides brief overview or minimal examples Provides example of impact, results and achievements – may not show how it is measurable Provides adequate detail and good examples of measurable impact, results and achievements Provides ample and insightful examples of measurable impact, results and achievements