Co-op employment rate

The co-op employment rate consists of the number of employed students divided by the total number of students participating in co-op recruitment. 

Employment rate

Employed students (EI, ER, ES, EJ)

Total students participating in recruitment (EI, ER, ES, EJ, UI, US, UA)

*Excluded are students not scheduled out for work (UO, UU, X, F +)

The total population of students participating in recruitment is comprised of: all employed students, students searching for employment through the traditional co-op interview process (UI status students), students searching for employment outside the co-op interview process (US status), and students awaiting a decision on employment secured externally to the co-op interview process (UA status).

Student work term statuses


EI (employed: interview process)
The student has received employment via the co-op interview process.
EJ (employed: jointly arranged) The student has secured employment outside the co-op interview process with the help of Co-operative Education or with an employer who has previously hired from Waterloo.
ES (employed: student arranged) The student has secured employment outside the co-op interview process
ER (employed: returning)
The student is returning to a previous employer on their next scheduled work term.
UI (unemployed: interview process)
The student is searching for employment via the co-op interview process.
UA (unemployed: awaiting decision) The student has secured, or is in the final stages of securing, employment external to the co-op employment process, and is currently in the co-op review process. 
UO (unemployed: on own self-imposed)
The student has been granted a leave of absence and will not receive credit for the work term.
US (unemployed: student arranged) The student has not been fully engaged in the co-op process or has received a penalty that denies them access to WaterlooWorks. The student must arrange their own job or discuss a status change with their advisor.
UU (unemployed: on own university-imposed)
Assigned on behalf of the student's faculty to a student who has not met the requirements of the co-op employment process and/or the work term, or is being reprimanded for a non-academic offence as defined by Policy 71.
F (failed work term) The student has not met the requirements for the interview process or the work term.
X (on exchange) The student is on an exchange term at an educational institution outside Canada.

New employment rate vs the Legacy employment rate 

In spring 2017, a co-op executive council (CEC) metrics working group was established to assess the employment rate. The working group was comprised of the associate deans, co-operative education and members of co-operative and experiential education. Beginning with the fall 2019 work term, a new employment rate will be reported moving forward. The goal with the new rate is to improve the transparency within this metric, ensuring that all students actively participating in co-op recruitment are captured. 

Legacy employment rate

Employed students (EI, ER, ES, EJ)


Non-participating students (UO, US, UA, UU, X, F)

Students scheduled out for work (All above + UI students)

*Excluded: Students not scheduled out for work

Co-op employment rate

Employed students (EI, ER, ES, EJ)

Total students participating in recruitment (EI, ER, ES, EJ, UI, US, UA)

*Excluded: Students not scheduled out for work (UO, UU, X, F+)

The legacy employment rate was calculated to include students who were not actively participating in co-op recruitment (UO, UU, X, F status students), and only counted students searching for employment through the co-op interview process as active in recruitment (UI status students vs. UI, US, UA students in the updated employment rate.)

Changes to the new employment rate include:

  • Students not actively participating in co-op recruitment are now excluded from the rate.
  • The group of unemployed students participating in recruitment will grow from UI students to now comprise students with a UI, US and UA status.
  • The change will result in an average drop of 1.3 percentage points vs. the previously calculated rate (legacy employment rate) when re-stating historical rates from 2015 to 2018, but still represents a record-high employment rate for the co-op program at UWaterloo.






Legacy employment rate

97.29% 97.68% 98.50% 98.76%

(employed + NP) / scheduled out

New employment rate





employed / (employed + UI + US + UA)

Difference between the legacy rate and the new rate -1.34% -1.22% -1.32% -1.18% new employment rate - legacy employment rate