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Anjie Persaud (she/her)

Account Manager (on leave)

Christine Thur

Account Manager, West Region
519-888-4567 x37353
Contact for: Employment Relations – West

Colleen Phillips-Davis (she/her)

Account Manager
519-888-4567 x47375

Donna Shin (she/her)

Account Manager, Toronto East Region
519-888-4567 x46222

Hazel Craig

Account Manager, GTA East Region
519-888-4567 x47710
Contact for: Employment Relations

Ismaa Al Aloul

Co-op Advisor
Ismaa Al Aloul
519-888-4567 x40949

James Dunn (he/him)

Account Manager, East Region
James Dunn
519-888-4567 x40691

Jeff Chamberlain

Account Manager, East Region
519-888-4567 x45111
Contact for: Employment Relations-East

Julie Hartley (she/her)

Account Manager, GTA East Region
Julie Hartley Headshot
519-888-4567 x41196
Contact for: Employment Relations-Core Accounts-GTA East

Kate Baker (she/her)

Account Manager, Central West Region
Kate Baker
519-888-4567 x40037

Kevin Smith

Account Manager, GTA West Region
519-888-4567 x45709

Lauren Rafferty

Account Manager, Toronto West Region
519-888-4567 x43088

Linda Heck (she/her)

Account Manager, GTA East Region
Linda Heck Headshot
519-888-4567 x41823
Contact for: Employment Relations

Marlene Griffith Wrubel

Account Manager, Waterloo Region
519-888-4567 x42593
Contact for: Employment Relations- UW Team

Melissa Prospero (she/her)

Account Manager, GTA West Region
Headshot of Melissa Prospero
519-888-4567 x41607

Olivia Roth (she/her)

Account Manager, Central West Region
Olivia Roth Headshot
519-888-4567 x43698

Sarah Kitsemetry

Account Manager, Toronto West Region
519-888-4567 x45558
Contact for: Employment Relations-Core Accounts- Toronto West

Terry Matthews

Account Manager, West Region
519-888-4567 x41869
Contact for: Employment Relations – West