Employers, industry partners, and universities are striving to enhance work-integrated learning (WIL) experiences by removing barriers and promoting inclusivity. Join our live webinar, "Future-ready workforce series: Supporting accommodations for inclusive workplaces," to learn how inclusive, barrier-free environments can make a difference.

The Work-Learn Institute will share key research findings and highlight the barriers students face during co-op placements. Hear from one of our employers on best practices for inclusive recruitment strategies and removing disclosure barriers. Gain actionable strategies from a University of Waterloo expert on how higher education institutions can effectively support students' needs during their co-op. Don’t miss this chance to create a more inclusive and supportive work environment!

Why Attend?

  • Understand barriers students face related to accessibility during their WIL experiences.
  • Discover practical solutions for building accessible work experiences for students and easy to implement accommodations.
  • Gain insights on how higher education can enhance accessibility and accommodation support for co-op students.