Funding for small businesses: Central Canada

View of high-rise buildings and the CN tower in downtown Toronto

Check out all the grants and subsidies available for small and medium-sized businesses in Ontario and Quebec.

Ontario Achieving Innovation and Manufacturing Excellence (AIME) Global Initiative

Amount: Up to $100,000
Who can apply (eligibility):

Southern Ontario manufacturers undertaking training or skills-upgrading activities which will support innovation at the manufacturing facilities. All initiatives must support innovation which will lead to new global export opportunities or create new global markets.

Employer eligibility include:

  1. Have between 10 to 1,000 employees in southern Ontario;
  2. Have been continuously in business for at least three years (3 years);
  3. Must be able to demonstrate a solid financial footing over the three year period;
  4. Manufacturing facility or facilities in Southern Ontario (see map);
  5. Manufacture a specific product for sale in Ontario or elsewhere.
How to apply: Visit the AIME website and fill out an application form.
Application due date: Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis until funds run out for the year.

Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC)

Various funding opportunities for organizations in Northern Ontario.


50 - 75% of eligible expenses. There are two funding programs:

  1. Indigenous Workforce Development Stream

  2. Workforce Development Stream

Who can apply (eligibility): See each program for individual eligibility requirements.
How to apply: Visit the NOHFC website for more detailed information and to fill out an application form.
Application due date: Please see each program for specific due dates.

Eastern Ontario Development Fund


Two streams of funding are offered:

  • Business projects
    • up to 15% of eligible project costs for a maximum grant of $1.5 million.
    • Investments of more than $10 million that also create more than 50 new jobs may be eligible for a loan of up to $5 million.
  • Community and regional development projects
    • up to 50% of eligible project costs for a maximum grant of up to $1.5 million.
Who can apply (eligibility):

Businesses that support economic development in Eastern Ontario. This includes job creation, innovation, and the ability to attract private sector investment.

Review a full list of eligibility requirements.

How to apply:

Visit the Government of Ontario: Eastern Ontario Development Fund webpage to contact a regional staff member who will determine eligibility and guide you through the application process.


  1. Connect with a MEDJCT Senior Business Advisor or Ministry regional staff person for help with your application.
  2. Submit an eligibility checklist and staff will confirm that your project is eligible (mandatory)
  3. Once you know you are eligible, complete the application forms.
Application due date: Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.

Southwestern Ontario Development Fund


2 streams of funding are offered:

  • Business projects
    • up to 15% of eligible project costs for a maximum grant of $1.5 million.
    • Investments of more than $10 million that also create more than 50 new jobs may be eligible for a loan of up to $5 million.
  • Community and regional development projects
    • up to 50% of eligible project costs for a maximum grant of up to $1.5 million.
Who can apply (eligibility): Businesses that support economic development in Southwestern Ontario. This includes job creation, innovation, and the ability to attract private sector investment.

Review a full list of eligibility requirements.

How to apply: Visit the Government of Ontario: Southwestern Ontario Development Fund webpage to contact a regional staff member who will determine eligibility and guide you through the application process.


  1. Connect with a MEDJCT Senior Business Advisor or Ministry regional staff person for help with your application.
  2. Submit an eligibility checklist and staff will confirm that your project is eligible (mandatory)
  3. Once you know you are eligible, complete the application forms.
Application due date: Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.

Aboriginal Participation Fund


There are five streams available:

  1. Advanced exploration and development support
  1. Early exploration support

  1. Education and relationship building

  1. Mineral development advisor stream

  1. Values mapping and related projects

Who can apply (eligibility): Funding is available to indigenous communities in Ontario. See each program for individual eligibility requirements.
How to apply: Visit the Government of Ontario: Aboriginal Participation Fund webpage for more detailed information and to fill out an application form.
Application due date: All applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.

Forest Sector Investment and Innovation Program (FSIIP)

15 - 30% of eligible project costs


Two streams of funding are offered:

  • Business Projects
    • Performance Based Loans – up to a maximum of 30% of eligible project costs.
    • Grants – up to a maximum of 15% of eligible project costs may be considered in exceptional circumstances.

  • Collaboration Projects 
    • Grants – up to a maximum of 30% of eligible project costs to a maximum of $3 million.
Who can apply (eligibility):

Support is available for Ontario-based projects with at least $3 million in eligible costs undertaken by for-profit manufacturers and processors of wood and forest biomass across Ontario.

Review a full list of eligibility requirements.

How to apply:

The program will run four competitive rounds per year. In each quarter, project applications will be evaluated using the following two-step process:

Stage I: Submissions will be accepted continually, but only those received by the current Stage I due date will be considered to move on to the upcoming round of evaluations.

Stage II: Applicants who have successfully passed Stage I should submit a fully completed Stage II Business Plan and all required supplemental documents by the Stage II due date.

Application due date: For most up-to-date due dates, visit the Government of Ontario FSIIP webpage.

Seniors Community Grant Program

Up to 100% of eligible project costs


Applications will be considered in two streams:

  • Local initiatives – focused on grassroots initiatives at a local community level  
    • Up to 100% of the total eligible project costs (up to a maximum amount of $25,000) 
  • Scalable initiatives – focused on projects that can be replicated in other Ontario communities  

    • Up to 100% of the total eligible project costs (up to a maximum amount of $100,000) 
Who can apply (eligibility): Eligible applicants must:
  • Be not-for-profit
  • Have been in operation for at least one year at the time of application

  • Represent seniors’ groups and/or offer programs or services that do or can directly benefit older adults living in Ontario

How to apply: Applications must be submitted electronically to Transfer Payment Ontario. Check out the program guidelines (PDF) for more detailed information.
Application due date: Applications are closed and will reopen in 2025.

Tourism Development Fund

Amount: Up to 50% of total cash expenses
Who can apply (eligibility):

Organizations interested in undertaking tourism-related initiatives that support tourism product or industry development and increased visitation.

To be eligible, the project must:

  • Take place in the Province of Ontario.
  • Have an applicant organization in existence for one year or longer as of the date of submission.

How to apply: Check out the Tourism Development Fund program guidelines (PDF) for more detailed information
Application due date: Applications are ongoing and must be submitted a minimum of four months before the start of the project.

Career-ready with CTMA

Funding for automotive manufacturers and advanced manufacturers

Amount: Up to $3,000 per hire for most new recruits and $5,000 per hire for eligible hires with one or more disabilities that require special employment consideration.
Who can apply (eligibility):

Eligible applicants must:

  • Derive at least 30% of revenues from the automotive manufacturing sector - specifically machine, tool, die, mould and automation companies

  • Operate in Ontario

  • Identify a candidate, and provide their job title/description

How to apply: Visit the Career-Ready with CTMA website for more detailed information and to apply.
Application due date: Applications will be accepted until January 13, 2025, and will be assessed on a first-come first-served basis until all funds have been fully allocated.