Best Practices for Virtual Employer Information Sessions (VEIS)

UWaterloo students on a webinar and video call

How to structure your VEIS:

  • Provide a brief presentation about your organization
  • include information on current positions, full-time opportunities, your organization’s work culture, what students can expect during an interview with your organization, what makes your organization stand out above the rest
  • Leave plenty of time for students to ask questions (and network) 

Ten tips for running a successful VEIS:

Additional tips for presenters:

  • Personal experiences from interviews that presenters have had and why they were successful in landing the job can be engaging.
  • Start with "housekeeping" items. It's a good idea to allow a few minutes for people to arrive to the session. Use this time to remind the audience to complete an attendance poll.
  • Before starting to present, introduce yourself and your team of panelists, including what your role is, when you began working for the organization, why you love the organization, are you an alumnus? etc.
  • Give students an agenda, for example an opening slide with an event overview and when you want them to ask questions.
  • Explain to the students how they can ask their questions i.e. features of WebEx Event.
  • Have at least two employers on the call, one to present, while another moderates the question and answer period. If you’re unable to have two people on the call, let EIS Team know by emailing us ahead of scheduled event so they can work with you to moderate student questions that arise during your event.
  • Feel comfortable using video so students can see your face during the presentation.