Co-op earnings - Chartered Professional Accounting

Co-op students must be paid at least the minimum wage of the applicable work location. Connect with your account manager if you have questions or are looking for further guidance

Funding, tax credits and grants are available. 

Need help financing your new student hire? There are several grants, tax creditsand funding programs available to Canadian employers that may subsidize or cover the cost of your hire, regardless of your business size.

Hourly earnings for Chartered Professional Accounting Programs 

The University of Waterloo publishes co-op student earnings information annually. The following information is student-reported earnings from January - December 2023. 

In the table below, the top figure represents the average hourly earnings for the given co-op program and work term level. The hourly salary range is included below. 

This information is intended as a guideline. Use it along with known market conditions for informational purposes only. Our co-operative education team does not establish or recommend pay levels for co-op students.  

All Canadian work term data reported in Canadian dollars.
Co-op program Work
term 1
term 2
term 3
term 4
Chartered Professional Accounting programs $22.41

Low: $16.00
High: $31.11


Low: $16.00
High: $45.00


Low: $17.50
High: $50.00


Low: $17.00
High: $45.00

Note: Students self-reported this work term data, in Canadian dollars, from January to December 2023. It excludes any alternative remuneration received in addition to reported earnings.