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Have you considered commercializing your research? Or starting a company of your own?

How do you turn your research into a scalable business? Learn how to navigate the transition from the lab (or whiteboard) to market and speak the language that will attract investment to your concept.

Join us for casual conversations with researchers at the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC).

Kristine Boone, PhD candidate - Tuesday, October 20, 7:00 p.m.

For our third Fireside Chat, we welcome Kristine Boone for a conversation about working on the boundary of research and industry.

Tune in live on YouTube.

Join us for casual conversations with researchers at the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC).

Shayan Majidy, PhD candidate - Tuesday, September 29, 7:00 p.m.

Shayan MajidyThis month, we welcome PhD student Shayan Majidy for a conversation about life as a graduate student, and what it's like to share quantum and science with a young audience.

The profound impact of early discovery, experimentation, and disruption through research and invention

Researchers today build on the knowledge and discoveries made by those who have come before them. How can today’s researchers light the early pathways and curiosities for the research breakthroughs of the future? How can we demonstrate the impact and potential of the yet-to-be known? And, what if any, role does academia, industry, the Faculty of Mathematics, and Canada play in increasing the discovery journey to these new frontiers?