CryptoWorks21 - Who else is in my space?
Speaker: Neil Henderson
Speaker: Neil Henderson
“He who is good with a hammer thinks everything is a nail.”
- Modified quote from the original by Abraham Maslow
How does one sell security? How does one commercialize such nebulous concepts such as “Trust”, “Security” and “Cryptography”? Cryptography, which is just one building block of security, is based on other more abstract building blocks such as algorithms which have a foundation on hard mathematical problems.
Speaker: Heather Hoff
Abstract: Software is a key asset of any new business. How do you protect the results of weeks or months of hard labour? Who owns the software and how do I mange its development to ensure its inherent value is maintained? Should I use Open Source, or even contribute to Open Source? What are the benefits and how does this measure up against the risks?
Speaker: Viona Duncan
Quantum mechanics reveals that at its core, the world is not as it seems – it is far more interesting.
In the quantum world, outcomes are counter-intuitive, differing from what we expect based on our everyday experiences. The particle physicist Richard Feynman remarked that this means we seem to have to walk “a logical tightrope” when we talk about a quantum system.
Speaker: Tom Hunter
This presentation will delve into a practical example of a patent procedure associated to a specific quantum technology: a vectorial magnetometer. We will explore the specifics of the technology and its applications, review previously existing approaches and define the inventive step, explore the phrasing of the claims, and revisit the prior patents from the freedom-to-operate point of view.
Speaker: Doug Beynon
Researchers and early-stage companies may discover numerous investment options on their path to commercial success. While some mechanisms focus on a certain phase of technology development, others promise to fuel growth over a wide R,D&D spectrum, possibly independent of prior investment status. This panel covers a sampling of programs and investment strategies - from technology scouting to angel capital - for mobilizing intellectual property towards impactful deployment.