
QIP 2004 is the seventh workshop on quantum computing, quantum cryptography and quantum information theory. The QIP Workshop is co-hosted by the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) and the Perimeter Institute. The workshop will consist of various invited speakers, open sessions, a poster session and an entertaining banquet.

All of the sessions will be at the Centre for International Governance and Innovation (CIGI). 

The Coherent Spintronics workshop is a two-day conference with David Cory's Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) research group at the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC).

The workshop will focus on developments and existing technologies for the coherent control of quantum systems – a major hurdle to be overcome before practical quantum computers can be built. Topics will include heat bath algorithmic cooling, superconducting flux qubits, quantum error models and recent innovations in nanotechnology.

ETSI, in partnership with the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC), is pleased to invite you to the second IQC/ETSI Quantum-Safe Crypto Workshop. The event will be held in Ottawa, Canada, on 6th – 7th October, 2014. This workshop will bring together the diverse communities that will need to co-operate to standardize and deploy the next-generation cryptographic infrastructure, in particular, one that will be secure against emerging quantum computing technologies. The event agenda will be announced Early September.

The Quantum Innovators workshop will bring together the most promising young researchers in quantum physics and engineering for a three-day conference aimed at exploring the frontier of our field.

The Quantum Innovators workshop will bring together the most promising young researchers in quantum physics and engineering for a three-day conference aimed at exploring the frontier of our field.

This workshop will bring together researchers and students coming from diversified scientific areas, whose connections start to emerge. We expect that the variety of expertise and technicalities brought by each community will be beneficial to approach problems of common interest, and it will stimulate new questions of relevance for a large scientific community.

More information about this event…