
Nanofellowship Competition is OPEN!

The application deadline is February 1, 2025.

Attracting the best and brightest from around the world

The Nanofellowships are awarded to top graduate students pursuing nanotechnology research at the University of Waterloo. These prestigious fellowships valued at $10,000 each are awarded to new graduate applicants and current MSc and PhD students at the University of Waterloo. The Nanofellowships supplement the research support provided by the supervising faculty member. Nanofellowships can be held simultaneously with other graduate awards subject to the requirements of other scholarships or awards.

Focus areas in nanotechnology include:

  • Smart and functional materialsThis includes but not limited to fundamental condensed matter physics, soft matter, materials characterization, nanomaterials, graphene and other 2D materials, quantum materials, nanoparticles, quantum dots, carbon nanotubes, DNA self-assembly, biomaterial and nanocellulose, new materials for additive manufacturing (i.e., 3D printing).
  • Connected devicesThis includes but not limited to sensors (quantum-, nano- and microsensors), MEMS/NEMS, flexible electronics, wearable devices, lab-on-chip, use of internet-of-things and artificial intelligence for sensors, human-machine interfaces, and other connected devices.
  • Next generation energy systemsThis includes but not limited to fundamental understanding of transport processes in energy devices, batteries, fuel cells, catalysis, low-carbon sustainable technologies, artificial photosynthesis.
  • Theranostics and therapeuticsThis includes but not limited to targeted drug delivery, tissue engineering, minimally invasive treatment of diseases, immunotherapy and medical imaging.

Special consideration will be given to students intending to pursue projects involving cross-disciplinary collaboration in nanotechnology.

In 2015, all United Nations Member States adopted the Agenda for Sustainable Development for 2030, providing a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for the planet. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) were devised to improve global challenges – such as improving health and living conditions – leading to sustainable development, economic growth and environmental protection. WIN is directly in tune with these global challenges, seeking solutions to ensure good health, clean water, affordable energy, industry & innovation, and climate action among all others, leading to a just society.


For full details about the UNSDGs, visit their website.

Application Process

The Nanofellowships competition is held annually. Applicants must hold an active graduate status (or planning to start their graduate degree), with a minimum of two terms remaining in their program, at the University of Waterloo. Applicants must satisfy the general eligibility requirements for the University of Waterloo graduate scholarships. A student can receive the Nanofellowship only once per academic program at the University of Waterloo. If a student transfers from a Master’s to a PhD program, they must wait a minimum of one year before they are eligible to apply for the fellowship again.

Applicants must have a strong academic record, maintaining a minimum average of 80% (based on their raw marks) in all their previous academic programs.

Existing Students are defined as students who have already been enrolled in a graduate program administered by the Department at the University of Waterloo, and started their graduate program with courses and/or conducting research.

Prospective Students are defined as students who have applied to graduate studies at the University of Waterloo and not yet started their graduate program (not yet taking courses or started research). To be eligible for the Nanofellowship, you must have already applied to or will apply to UWaterloo Graduate Studies before the February 1st deadline. If you have submitted your application to UWaterloo Graduate Studies eight (8) months or longer before the time of application to the Nanofellowship, your application may no longer be on file. Please check with the department to which you originally applied to ensure your application is still valid and on file.


For prospective students and existing students in the first year of their graduate program, the following weighting will be used for evaluation:

  • Academic Records: 25%
  • Scholarship & Awards: 10%
  • Research Proposal: 30%
  • Publications & Presentations: 15%
  • Reference Letters: 20%

For existing students beyond the first year of their graduate program, the following weighting will be used for evaluation:

  • Academic Records: 15%
  • Scholarship & Awards: 10%
  • Research Proposal: 30%
  • Publications & Presentations: 25%
  • Reference Letters: 20%

We will apply scaling factors on the academic raw marks based on the national ranking of the university. For example, for any institution which is within the top ten in their country, the scaling factor is 1 (no change in raw marks). For an institution which is ranked 90th and beyond in their country, the scaling factor will be 0.1 (scaled marks = 0.1 x raw marks). 

Please note: WIN Office will not accept any incomplete application. It is the responsibility of the applicant to make sure all relevant requirements including reference letters are made available by the deadline. WIN Office will not reach out to individuals to follow-up on any incomplete submission.

Nanofellowship Committee:

  • WIN Faculty Member(s) representing Engineering

  • WIN Faculty Member(s) representing Science

  • WIN Executive Director

  • WIN Office Staff


We're here to help! Feel free to reach out to us at'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for applying for a Nanofellowship

I am an international student. Am I eligible for the award?

Yes, International students, Canadian citizens, and Permanent Residents of Canada are eligible for the WIN Nanofellowship. However, you must have at least two (2) terms left on the University of Waterloo campus. 

I have just completed a Masters degree from UWaterloo and I am now continuing my graduate studies as a PhD at UWaterloo. Am I considered an existing or a prospective student?

You would be a prospective student. Please sign the consent form to review your University of Waterloo graduate application and that you will not need to re-ask your references to supply a duplicate letter of reference for you.

I have completed a Masters degree from another university and am applying for PhD studies at UWaterloo. Am I considered an existing or a prospective student?

You would be considered a Prospective Student if you completed a Masters degree from another university.

Does my supervisor need to be a WIN member to be eligible for a Nanofellowship?

No, your supervisor does not need to be a WIN member. You must demonstrate that your research is directly related to and contributes to the advancement of knowledge and understanding of the field of Nanotechnology.

The award is for $10,000 CAD paid out over 2 terms. Can I apply for only one term to receive $5,000 CAD?

No, a student must have at least two full terms left on the University of Waterloo campus in their graduate program in order to be eligible to win the award.

Do I have to be enrolled in the Collaborative Graduate Nanotechnology option to be eligible for the scholarship?

No, you do not need to be enrolled in the Collaborative Graduate Nanotechnology program/option. You must demonstrate that your research is directly related to and contributes to the advancement of knowledge and understanding of the field of nanotechnology.

Can the Nanofellowship award be held simultaneously with other awards and scholarships (such as NSERC, OGS or the Engineering Excellence Fellowship)?

The WIN Nanofellowship does not restrict the number of other awards a student can hold. There are, however, some awards that do restrict the number or amount of scholarships/monetary awards you can receive. You will need to check with those agencies for compatibility and compliance guidelines.

What are my chances of winning a Nanofellowship?

Every year is different, depending on the performance of the endowment. In a typical year, an application has a 25-30% chance of winning.

I just applied to UWaterloo graduate studies. Am I eligible for the award?

Students must be accepted to and enrolled in the UWaterloo graduate program to which they have applied to be eligible for the scholarship. Payment of the award will start when the student starts their program.

I applied to UWaterloo graduate studies and was accepted but I have not started the program yet. Am I considered a prospective student?

Yes, depending on how much time has elapsed. This form uses your UWaterloo graduate studies application. If too much time has gone by since you submitted your application to UWaterloo (8-12 months or longer) then you will need to check if your UWaterloo grad application is still on file.

Do prospective students need to provide letters of reference?

Prospective Students are not required to submit letters of reference for the Nanofellowship, as the UWaterloo Graduate Studies application which includes references is used as part of the application to the Nanofellowship. This is designed so that the applicant does not need to ask their referees for another letter so soon after completing the application to graduate studies.

Nanofellowship Winners

Since 2008, WIN has awarded 632 Nanofellowship awards to students across 8 different departments.

Each year we accept applications from students around the world and the winners represent the very best of the best, boasting a mean grade average of approximately 90%.

WIN would like to offer our congratulations to all our Nanofellowship winners and we thank all of our talented students who apply.

2024 Nanofellowship Winners

Ahmed Shahin

Aline Braz Ramirez

Ayaan Lakhani

Bersu Bastug Azer

Bohdan Khromets

Carlee Montgomery

Connor MacRobbie

Diogo de Oliveira Livera

Dion Grobe

Do-Yun Park 

Fatemeh Keyvani

Hesam Abouali

Justin Wong

Maryam Soleimani

Matthew Scarfo

Max Walton-Raaby

Michael McCarvell

Mohamed Okasha

Mohammad Nankali

Mohsen Azadinia

Natasha Evans

Negin Bourzari

Patrick Thomas

Ruofei Zheng

Sadegh Sadeghzadeh

Saikiran Khamgaonkar

Samed Kocer

Shakiba Samsami

Sharafat Ali

Shawn Reeves

Xander Gouws

Xin Jin

Yonglin Wang

Zhe Huang


Hesam Abouali Michelle Dieu Thao Huynh Ewomazino Constance Ojogbo
Sharafat Ali Fatemeh Keyvani Paul Park 
Mohsen Azadinia Samed Kocer Ethan Kristopher Piercey
Mahsa Barjini Khabbaz Seyed Mohammadali Emadi Foshtomi Youssra Rahham
Bersu Bastug Azer Carina Filice Ahmed Shahin
Subhamoy Biswas Pranav Gavirneni Bruna Siebeneichler
Rachel Blanchard  Peyman GhavamiNejad Michael Spinazze
Irina Bukhteeva Atefeh Ghorbani Koltapeh Cailum Stienstra
Zuolong Chen Naman Kumar Gupta Ethan Watt
Akash Chowdhury Mei Han Emily Yip
Fabio Cuzzucoli Ali Heydari Hao Yu
Diogo de Oliveira Livera Yasaman  Maddah Jinxuan Zhang
Cameron Lucas Dean Jonathan Mayry Jixi Zhang
Poojitha Durgamahanti Mirfath Sultana Mesbahuddin Yichen Zhao
Seyed Ali Hosseini Farahabadi Sarah Odinotski Hanjia Zheng

2022 Nanofellowship winners

Md Fahim Al Fattah

Jonathan David Mayry

Avery To

Negin Bouzari

Cameron Meaney

Lei Wang

Irina Bukhteeva

Kseniia Medvedeva

Yi Wang

Li Chang

Mohammad Ala Mohajerzadeh

Ethan Watt

Qiaoyun Chen

Dorsa Mohammadrezaei

Zhao Weinan

Ali Ghatei Kalashami

Ewomazino Constance Ojogbo

Michael Wright

Hossein Golzar

Natalie Pinchin

Heebong Yang

Tao Guo

Lanting Qian

Junjie Yin

Lian Han

Youssra Rahham

Brian Youden

Zhuoyang He

Md Masud Rana

Zhuo Yu

Md Milon Islam

Daniel Rickert

Jinhe Zhang

Rabiul Islam

Soumyadeep Saha

Jinxuan Zhang

Muhammed Kayaharman

Fatemeh Samaeifar

Reza Kohandani

Sepideh Sarmast Sakhvidi

Salman Lari

Mayuri Sritharan

Yasaman Maddah

Youchao Teng

2021 Nanofellowship winners

Md Fahim Al Fattah

Muhammed Kayaharman

Stanislav Musikhin

Mohamed Arabi

Shehryar Khan

Emir Nazdrajić

Saeed Mohammad Bamatraf

A-Reum Kim

Mohammad Okasha

Zuolong Chen

Robyn Klassen

Tyler Or

Ewomazino Constance Ojogbo

Reza Kohandani

Daniel Rickert

Fabio Cuzzucoli

Salman Lari

Morgan Robinson

Chuying Feng

Yebin Lee

Resul Saritas

Bronwyn Forrest

Chang Li

Amirali Shamsolhodaei

Pranav Gavirneni

Elif Pinar Alsac

Mayuri Sritharan

Hossein Golzar

Alireza Mashayekhi

Nicholas Wilson

Naman Gupta

Md Masud Rana

Fan Ye

Saeed Habibpour

Avi Mathur

Junjie Yin

Stephen Harrigan

Kseniia Medvedeva

MoMo Zandieh

Zain Hussain Warsi

Nanqin Mei

Maiwen Zhang

Rabiul Islam

Md Milon Islam

2020 Nanofellowship winners

Abdullah Alshehri

ZhiCheng Huang

Yannick Leandre Traoré

Delaney Anderson

Christian Ieritano

Morgan Robinson

Irfani Rahmi Ausri

Asif Abdullah Khan

Resul Saritas

Robert Bennett

Bohdan Khromets

Supratik Sarkar

Trevor Blaikie

Ahmad Malik Lakhani

Thomas Storwick

Lauren Blanc

Lingzi Ma

Chunxia Tang

Elham Davoodi

Sirshendu Misra

Avery To

Pablo Daniel Enrique

Ryan Moreira

Zhen Zhang

Tao Guo

Stanislav Musikhin

Liadong Zhou

Stephen Harrigan

Michael Noden

Zhe Huang

Tyler Or

2019 Nanofellowship winners

Alaaeldin Ahmed

Navjot Khaira

Zachary Strike

Ayman Alneamy

Asif Abdullah Khan

Sina Talebi Moghaddam

Elif Pinar Alsac

Ivan Kochetkov

Chunxia Tang

Hatameh Asgarimoghaddam

Braden Kralt

Janine Thoma

Lauren Blanc

Monika Snowdon

Yannick Traore

Remi Casier

Feng Li

Alexandru Vasile

Jialu Chen

Dan Luo

Guobin Wen

Hyunwoo Choi

Alireza Mashayekhi

Luzhu Xu

Ya-Ping Deng

Kissan Mistry

Fan Ye

Run Ze Gao

Ryan Moreira

Penghui Yin

Chulgi Hong

Bohua Ren

Hyeonghwa Yu

Jiahao Huang

Stephen Robinson-Enebeli

Zhen Zhang

Christian Ieritano
Muhammad Shahidul Islam

Moslem Sadeghi Goughari
Geoffrey Sinclair

Yiju Zhao
Laidong Zhou

2018 Nanofellowship winners

Marcus Abramovitch

Kiana Amini

Hassan Askari

Matthew Courtney

Ya-Ping Deng

Alicia Dubinski

Run Ze Gao

Xiguang Gao

Gilliam Hawes

Khaled Ibrahim

Kavish Kaup

Navjot Khaira

Se Young Kim

Chun Yuen Kwok

Hyunjae Lee

Yibo Lui

Rhiannon Lohr

Xiao Ming

Sirshendu Misra

Kissan Mistry

Hassan Moussa

Erika Ramos

Bohua Ren

Moslem Sadeghi Goughari

Ida Sadeghi

Elizabeth Salsberg

Serxho Selmani

Abhinandan Shyamsunder

Geoffrey Sinclair

Janine Thoma

Yannick Traore

Kai Xi Wang

Shirley Wong

Penghui Yin

Hyeonghwa Yu

Jing Zhang

Zijie Zhang

Kai Zhao

Yiju Zhao

2017 Nanofellowship winners

Mina Abdelmalek

AbdulAziz Almutairi

Dawood Alsaedi

Kiana Amini

Mohsen Asad

Hassan Askari

Eduardo Barrera-Ramirez

Paul Chen

Matthew Courtney

Jing Fu

Nathan Grishkewich

Gyu Chull Han

Gillian Hawes

Marie Hébert

Andrew Holmes

Khaled Ibrahim

Kavish Kaup

Grigoriy Kimaev

Ivan Kochetkov

Monika Kulak

Hyunjae Lee

Matthew Li

Yibo Liu

Rhiannon Lohr

Alam Mahmud

Rasool Nasseri Pourtokalo

Moon Gyu Park

Ran Peng

Paola Russo

Ida Sadeghi

Mostafa Saquib

Rohit Saraf

Runjhun Saran

Alison Scott

Behrooz Semnani

Yinqiu Shi

Tejinder Singh

ManChun Tam

John Tse

JunGeun Um

Demin Yin

2016 Nanofellowship winners

Maricor Jane Arlos

Mohsen Asad

Noor Bahsoun

Eduardo Barrera-Ramirez

Paul Chen

Tyler Davidson-Hall

Christopher Deimert

Adrian Delgado

Jianjin Dong

Kun Feng

Fred Fu

Jing Fu

Gordon Hall

Gyu-Chull Han

Marie Hebert

Youssef Helwa

Andrew Holmes

Gaopeng Jiang

Se Young Kim

Manfred Kao

Brenda Lee

Dong-Un Lee

Timothy Leshuk

Pendar Mahmoudi

Alam Mahmud

Ryan Neufeld

Moon Gyu Park

Long Pu

Jesse Quinn

Abhishek Raj

Rohit Saraf

Runjhun Saran

Behrooz Semnani

Yinqiu Shi

Abhinandan Shyamsunder

Tejinder Singh

Sean Walker

Demin Yin

Sid Zarabi

2015 Nanofellowship winners

Parvin Adeli

Sanam Atashin

Erin Bedford

Navid Bizmark

Yu Chai

Li Chen

Dennis Curry

Christopher Deimert

Russel Fernandes

Fredrick Fu

Nathan Grishkewich

Gordon Hall

Gyu-Chull Han

Andrew Holmes

Md Ariful Hoque

Nicholas Lanigan

Dong-Un Lee

Timothy Leshuk

Matthew Li

Stuart Linley

Biwu Liu

Anand Lopez

Gregory Lui

Nupur Maheshwari

Pendar Mahmoudi

Quanquan Pang

Jesse Quinn

Shehan Salgado

Brandon Seo

Hamed Shahsavan

Amirreza Shirani Bidabadi

Bin Sun

Colin Tittle

Taylor Urquhart

Xinyun Wu

Demin Yin

2014 Nanofellowship winners

Victor Chabot

Yu Chai

Louis Cheung

Celal Con

Ripon Dey

Elizabeth Drolle

Kun Feng

Russel Fernandes

Gordon Hall

Gyu-Chull Han

Connor Hart

Robert Henderson

Drew Higgins

Gregory Holloway

Po-Jung Jimmy Huang

Krishna Iyer

Jin Hee Kang

Alireza Khosropour

Sarah Ann LeBlanc

Dong Un Lee

Timothy Leshuk

Robert Liang

Madelaine Liddy

Peter Lin

Bin Liu

Shengyan Liu

Nupur Maheshwari

Nimer Murshid

Quanquan Pang

Jacob Rogowski

Kurt Schreiter

Hamed Shahsavan

Timothy Sipkens

Bin Sun

Xiangcheng Sun

Mohit Verma

Jaspreet Walia

Sean Walker

Kyle Willick

2013 Nanofellowship winners

Marwa Abd-Ellah

Brian Adams

Parinaz Akhlaghi

Louis Cheung

Pierce Chuang

Jianjin Dong

Elizabeth Drolle

Kun Feng

Andrew Finkle

Connor Hart

Robert Henderson

Drew Higgins

Gregory Holloway

Kazem Jeddi

Grigoriy Kimaev

Sarah Ann LeBlanc

Timothy Leshuk

Robert Liang

Peter Lin

Shengyan Liu

Bin Liu

Sheng Lu

Corey Rae McRae

Adam Neale

Anthony Petrie

Hamed Shahsavan

Timothy Sipkens

Xiangcheng Sun

Xiaoqi Sun

Sibi Sutty

Mohit Verma

Uyxing Vongsaysy

Jaspreet Walia

Qi Wang

Kyle Willick

Lawrence Wong

Hadis Zarrin

Jian Zhang

2012 Nanofellowship winners

Shiva Abbaszadeh

Brian Adams

Morteza Ahmadi

Seyedeh Akhlaghi

Daniel Bacinello

Erin Bedford

Robert Black

Alexander Brukson

Ja-Yeon Choi

Melissa Chow

Pierce I-Jen Chuang

Michael Coleman

Chad Daley

Drew Davidson

Elizabeth Drolle

Andrew Finkle

Aashish Gaurav

Steve George

Robert Henderson

Drew Higgins

Bright Iheanacho

Milad Shahrestani

Peter Lin

Shengyan Liu

Sheng Lu

Gregory Lui

Brendan McDonald

Leanne Murphy

Nafiseh Naffissi

Nany Chunyan Nan

Adam Neale

Baoling Peng

Umar Shafique

Timothy Sipkens

Sibi Sutty

Morteza Torabi

Mohit Verma

Qi Wang

Ting Wang

Andrew Ward

Kyle Willick

Hadis Zarrin

Yingjie Zhang

Yan Zhao

2011 Nanofellowship winners

Thomas Borel

Terence Chan

Zhu Chen

Youngjik Choi

Neeshma Dave

Scott Evers

Chris Ferrie

Drew Higgins

Gregory Holloway

Jasper Huang

Bright Iheanacho

Mohammadreza Khorasaninejad

Natacha Kinadjian

Geoffrey Lee

Leanna Murphy

Nafiseh Nafissi

Ali Najafi Sohi

Shruti Nambiar

Chunyan Nan

Jean-Luc Orgiazzi

Om Patange

Baoliang Peng

Colin James Phipps

Yverick Rangom

Tamara Rozina

Madjid Soltani

Andrew Ward

Graeme Williams

Lai-Pong Wong

Wen Xu

2010 Nanofellowship winners

Michael Adachi

Aijaz Baig

Robert Black

Zhu Chen

Jun Chen

(Vince) Youngjik Choi

Ryan Denomme

Behzard Esfandiarpour

Scott Evers

Anita FadariRoudsari

Shokouh Sadat Farvid

Ryan Hsu

Jasper Huang

Mousa Jafari

Lei Jia

Bryan Kuropatwa

Hassan Mostafa

Shruti Nambiar

Sangtak Park

Colin James Phipps

Farzad Maloomeh

Allan Rogalsky

Parisa Sadatmousavi

Sara Attar

Daryoush Shiri

Hyeongho Suh

Weijie Wan

Hui Wang

Graeme Williams

Wen Xu

Mohammad Yeke Yazdandoost

Nino Zahriovic

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Nanofellowship Awardees

Please see below for the frequently asked questions and answers for students who have received a Nanofellowship award. If you have further questions, please contact us at

I have been awarded a WIN Nanofellowship, but I need to defer the award to next year – is this possible?

You may defer your award for a maximum of one year at a time ONLY for reasons of parental leave, child-rearing, illness, or health-related family responsibilities. You may not defer your award to accept or hold another award, employment, or to pursue studies other than those for which you have received funding. For students on co-tutelle or other programs requiring travel, the Nanofellowship payments will follow those guidelines recommended by the University of Waterloo.

I just have a question about the second ($5000) WIN Nanofellowship payment schedule. Will the payment deposit into my bank account this term because I did not receive it yet?

All awards are processed within the first to second month of the Fall or Winter terms, and are administered through your home department. Please contact your department’s graduate coordinator if you have not received payment by the end of the second month of the respective term.

Do I need to attend the awards ceremony?

Yes, your attendance at the awards ceremony is mandatory, under penalty of award forfeiture. If you have exceptional circumstances, you must notify the WIN office at least 2 weeks prior to the ceremony and be prepared to provide a summary document or presentation.

Do I need to attend WIN seminars and Distinguished Lectures?

Yes, each Nanofellowship winner is also required to attend a total of 9 advertised WIN Seminars (including Joint Seminars) and 3 Distinguished Lectures for the academic year of the award. You may be asked to forfeit the award if you do not meet these requirements.