Master of Applied Science (MASc)
Candidates for the Master of Applied Science in Mechanical Engineering can enrol either on a full-time or part-time basis.
The MASc program emphasizes high level independent research by candidates. The topic of the thesis and the choice of courses are decided by the student and their supervisor(s). Each student's program is subject to the approval of the Associate Chair for Graduate Studies. Candidates will participate in a research program generally involving either theory or experimentation, or both.
In order to receive an MASc degree you must complete all of your program's degree requirements. For a complete list of your program's degree requirements you should consult the Graduate Academic Calendar for the term in which you were admitted.
Degree requirements
- Academic Integrity Quiz
- Four one-term graduate level courses (or courses acceptable for graduate credit)
- Only one of the courses used for credit in a candidate's program can be taken from the 500 series of courses.
- At least two-thirds of the courses used for credit in a candidate's program must be taken from the 600 and 700 series.
- No more than half of the courses used for credit may be taught by the candidate's supervisor.
- At least half of the courses used for credit must normally be Faculty of Engineering courses.
- The candidate must obtain a pass in all courses credited to his or her program, with a minimum overall average of 70% (A grade of less than 65% in any course counts as a failure (F).
- Graduate Safety Workshop - The Department requires all graduate students to complete the MME Safety Training course offered by the University Safety Office. The Safety Training is a degree requirement and must be completed by the end of the student's second registered term. Your supervisor is aware of this policy. This course is now fully online on LEARN. If you have difficulties accessing this content, please contact the MME Graduate Office. (safety Course link)
- MASc thesis
- Steps to submitting the MASc thesis can be found on the Faculty of Engineering MASc degree completion web page
- A MASc Oral Defence - effective only for students starting their degree in fall 2022 and all future students MASc Defence Form (PDF)
- Attend at least eight MME Department research seminars - effective only for students starting their degree in fall 2022 and all future students
For information on department seminars please visit the MME Department Seminar web page.
To receive credit for attending the Department Seminars
- Log in to the Seminar link using your FULL name as it is set up in Quest
- Attend the entire Seminar
- Complete the Seminar Attendance Form
When students have completed all their degree requirements they should Apply to Graduate through Quest. Student's will need to select the expected graduation term. Please select the term in which you expect all your degree requirements to be met.
Any questions regarding the Procedures for MASc Thesis Submission, please contact Karen Schooley
Visit the MASc and MArch degree completion website.