Vocational wellness

Vocational wellness is the ability to balance life with a satisfying vocation that aligns with our skills and values, and challenges us in an effort to recognize the importance of satisfaction, enrichment, and meaning through our work. Our desire to contribute in our careers to enact positive impacts on the organizations we operate within, our colleagues/professional relationships, and to our society. Also includes volunteerism and hobbies/interests to which one dedicates significant time and resources that provide fulfillment, meaning or purpose, but may not provide income.

Vocational wellness includes, but is not limited to:

  • Education/training
  • Building relationships with peers/colleagues
  • Contributing towards goal fulfillment
  • Exploring opportunities to learn and be challenged
  • Feeding a sense of purpose and meaning
  • Enjoying your field of study/career
  • Volunteerism/social contributions
  • Feeling a sense of value from instructors/supervisors/managers
  • Meaningful work/employment
Briefcase cartoon picture


Looking to enhance your vocational wellness? Below are some resources both on and off campus, as well as general information related to vocational wellness.

 On campus resources