Chapel Choir at Conrad Grebel University College

Chapel Choir in Niagara


Chapel Choir focuses on supporting the music of public chapel worship services at Conrad Grebel University College. To that end, Chapel Choir will be engaged in singing hymns, worship songs, and other styles of sacred music, learning the sacred music of racialized communities, and building community through sharing music together. Opportunities to learn from special guests will also be part of the term's activities. The Chapel Choir is led by Dr. Kate Steiner .

1. Participant form

To participate in Chapel Choir fill out the Participant Form. There is no LEARN for Ensembles, so this is a crucial step. ALL STUDENTS, including returning students, need to fill out the Participant form. For further questions please email Angelica Allen, Ensemble Coordinator.

2.  Audition

If you have not participated in Chapel Choir previously, you will need toaudition. Acceptance into Chapel Choir is by audition and at the discretion of the director. Auditions will take place on the following dates: 

  • Monday, January 6 from 4 to 5:00pm.         
  • Wednesday, January 8 from 4 to 4:20pm, open rehearsal.
  • Friday, January 10 from 11:30pm to 3pm.

All auditions take place in the Grebel Chapel.  Please learn the following piece Amazing Grace to prepare for your audition.  The link will be sent out in the confirmation message from the Participant form. 

3.  Quest

Register on Quest if you are taking the Ensemble for credit.  Please note that MUSIC 416 and 417 have been added to the Ensemble Course list.  Also note it is your responsibility to drop the course on Quest if you do not pass the audition or choose not to participate. An Ensemble credit is 0.25 units AND you can add this on a normal course load or ask your advisor for permission to override your course limit.

View Credit sequence →

4. Course requirements

  • In person rehearsal Monday 4:00-5:45 most weeks in the Grebel Chapel. Monday, January 13, 2025 at 4pm will be the first full rehearsal session
  • Rehearsal from 4:00-4:30 on Wednesdays, and participation in the Grebel Chapel service at 4:30pm.
  • Read the Fall Info Sheet  (Winter 2025 coming soon)
  • Other singing opportunities in local congregations and elsewhere may also be arranged.  

The Agnes Giesbrecht Choral Music Scholarship is normally awarded in the spring for the upcoming year. Visit the chapel choir page for more details.

New AwardThe Helen Martens Choral Music Award 
This award is open to students enrolled in one of the Music department choirs (e.g. Chamber, University or Chapel choirs) 

The Choir has established an ongoing series of CDs with recordings every few years. 

Fall 2024 Chapel Choir Evaluation Form