Kelly Anthony
Research interests: attitudes regarding public policies (both US and Canadian) designed to protect disadvantaged groups; prejudice; attitudes towards, and responses to, dying and the death process; individualism and collectivism and culture
Geoff Bardwell
Research interests: Critical perspectives on substance use and addictions; drug policy; harm reduction; opioid agonist therapies; substance use in small urban, rural, remote, and Indigenous communities; gender and substance use; housing and homelessness
Philip Bigelow
Research interests: interventions in occupational health; evaluation and measurement of health and safety management systems; risk assessment and standard setting in occupational health
Ashok Chaurasia
Research interests: incomplete/missing data, model selection, longitudinal models, computational statistics, signal saturation rate
Helen Chen
Research interests: Artificial intelligence (AI) for public and population health; real world evidence; health data quality and analytics; generative AI and synthetic data; AI for learning health systems; evaluation of GenAI in health; Ai in drug discovery
Martin Cooke
Research interests: the social demography and health of Aboriginal peoples; social inequality, the welfare state, and the life course; population ageing and retirement
Warren Dodd
Research interests: migration, food security, poverty, climate change, healthcare and social service access
Joel Dubin
Research interests: longitudinal data methodology and analysis, survival methodology and analysis, graphical methods, prediction models. Application areas include nephrology, cancer, smoking cessation, aging, and the environment.
Mark Ferro
Research interests: epidemiology of child psychopathology, measurement of child psychopathology and quality of life, determinants and mechanisms of child multimorbidity, mental health service use
Peter A. Hall
Research interests: social neuroscience of primary prevention; health neuroscience; lifestyle behaviours and brain health; behaviour change
David Hammond
Research interests: population health, health behaviour, health policy, tobacco, smoking, health communication, media, nutrition, diet, public health, e-cigarettes, nicotine, caffeine, energy drinks, global health, international health, cannabis and harm reduction
John Hirdes
Research interests: community and public health, health information systems, health policies, caregiving, aging, home care, mental health, long-term care, palliative care, quality of life, pharmacoepidemiology, knowledge translation
Sharon Kirkpatrick
Research interests: dietary assessment, measurement error, equity, household food security, environmental sustainability, food and nutrition policy, dietary guidance, systems thinking
Brian Laird
Research interests: contaminants; risk assessment; risk communication; hazard; environmental health; exposure; country food; aboriginal; First Nations; Inuit; mercury; arsenic; selenium; diet; mixtures; nutrient-toxicant interaction; toxicology; soil; bioaccessibility; bioavailability; contaminated sites; Dehcho region
Jane Law
Research interests: health geomatics; healthy communities; disease mapping; measurement error, data uncertainty, and missing data adjustment in public health research; Bayesian spatial modelling and analysis in health research; determinants of health outcomes; health and crime; diet and health outcomes
Scott Leatherdale
Research interests: health behaviour surveillance (physical activity, obesity, alcohol and drug use, tobacco use, eating behaviour, sedentary behaviour); built environment and behaviour; impact of policies / programs on behaviour; co-morbid health behaviours; internet gambling and problem gambling; knowledge translation and exchange systems; cancer epidemiology; social epidemiology
Lili Liu
Research interests: aging and dementia, caregiving for persons living with dementia, health technologies, mixed methods research approaches
Hao Luo
Research interests: Aging and mental health; psychiatric epidemiology; electronic health records
Ellen MacEachen
Research interests: Broad focus on policy and program evaluation and implementation, with a view to the organizational, social and policy determinants of work and health
Shannon E. Majowicz
Research interests: infectious diseases, particularly foodborne, waterborne and enteric diseases; surveillance and burden of illness methods; survey research methods; epidemiology and epidemiologic methods; public health practice; systems approaches to food-related health outcomes; knowledge synthesis methods; knowledge brokering
Carrie McAiney
Research interests: dementia care, culture change, long-term care, retirement living
Samantha Meyer
Research interests: trust and risk in medical decision making; access to and uptake of preventative services in Canada and Australia (specifically vaccination and cancer screening); access to and social determinants of bariatric surgery; food regulation and policy; and trust in food.
John G. Mielke
Research interests: neurobiological embedding of adversity (e.g., poor nutrition, psychosocial stress); biological characteristics that influence outcome from brain injury
Plinio Morita
Research interests: mHealth and wearable technology design, ubiquitous sensors for smart homes, usage data and health data analytics, technology for aging
Elena Neiterman
Research interests: health human resources, work-life balance, retention of midwives in Canada, women’s experiences of pregnancy, international students in Canada, and technology use in academic classrooms
Hannah Neufeld
Research interests: Indigenous health, global health, health inequalities, Indigenous food systems, maternal nutrition and child feeding, maternal and child health, community health
Charity Oga-Omenka
Research interests: Equitable healthcare access; tuberculosis/HIV healthcare delivery and quality of care; healthcare delivery and recovery from COVID-19; issues in global health
Mark Oremus
Research interests: epidemiology, population and public health, chronic diseases, aging, dementia, caregiving, knowledge translation, systematic reviews, health economics, health policy
Chris Perlman
Research interests: health services research, evaluation, performance measurement, health information systems, decision support, knowledge translation, mental healthcare, long term care
Kelly Skinner
Research interests: northern food systems and environments, nutrition and food insecurity, community-based health and food initiatives, program evaluation, access to healthcare in northern communities, and knowledge uptake and utilization
Abel Torres Espin
Research interests: health data science and analytics, unsupervised learning and knowledge discovery, digital health, spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury and chronic pain, translational research, open science, data sharing and reproducibility
Suzanne Tyas
Research interests: aging, Alzheimer’s disease, chronic diseases, cognitive reserve, dementia, epidemiology, healthy aging, multimorbidity
James Wallace
Research interests: human-computer interaction, computer-supported cooperative work
Diane Williams
Research interests: cellular and molecular biology of the inner ear, age-related hearing loss and prevention, neuroprotection, biocomplexity, systems approaches to studying health and disease
Jennifer Yessis
Research interests: implementation science, health evaluation, population health, health promotion, youth health