Disabling of some recent retiree email accounts

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Some recent retirees may have had their email accounts inadvertently disabled.   IST is re-activating those as we are made aware of them, and putting in place a fix to prevent this from recurring.  No email is lost when this happens, but the account is locked out until IST  manually unlocks it.

This affected employees who recently moved to Office 365 email, as part of our campus email project, and then retired.  It should not affect those who were already retired, or who did not move to Office 365 email.  It should not affect recent retirees who are also UW alumni.

The issue was caused by automated account deprovisioning that detected a person no longer in the Workday HR system after their retirement, and if they were also no longer in the alumni database, the system removed their Office 365 email license as our system did not check retiree status.   IST is working on fixing this as quickly as possible.  

Please contact IST to have this resolved

Phone: 519-888-4567, ext. 44357
Email: helpdesk@uwaterloo.ca
Live chat: Click to start a new live chat session