Congratulations to SEED graduate students awarded the Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS).
Congratulations to SEED graduate students awarded the Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS).
Congratulations to SEED graduate students awarded the Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS).
Congratulations to SEED graduate students awarded Tri-Agency (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) Canada Graduate Scholarships Master's (CGS M).
The Institute for Sustainable Finance (ISF) is pleased to announce the results of two research initiatives which will enhance the growing body of scholarship on sustainable finance issues. The recipient of ISF’s inaugural Canadian Sustainable Finance Network (CSFN) Research Grant is Diane-Laure Arjaliès, and two recipients of the McCall MacBain CSFN Sustainable Finance Fellowship are Melanie Issett, MES Sustainability Management, and Tanusri Sarker, MES Sustainability Management.
The 2022 LinkedIn Top Voices in the Green Economy highlights 15 thought leaders shaping the conversation about how the workforce is transitioning to build a greener future. SEED's Majid Mirza, SUSM PhD candidate is one of these thought leaders.
The combined efforts of supervisors, post-doctoral fellows and research students, have produced the following publications:
SEED PhD in Sustainability Management student, Hafij Khan, has been elected as a member of the Executive Committee of Warsaw International Mechanism (WIM) for loss and damage by 48 Least Developing Countries (LDCs).
Assistant Professors, Sustainability and Financial Management
University of Waterloo
Posted: March 28, 2022
Advertised until: April 27, 2022
The School of Environment, Enterprise and Development (SEED), in the Faculty of Environment, University of Waterloo, invites applications for two tenure-track positions with expertise that combines financial management and sustainability. The preferred start date is September 1, 2022.
Cory Schmidt graduated from the Environment and Business program at the University of Waterloo in 2021 and is now working in Canada's Yukon Territory in a silver mine.
Adrienne Arsenault, CBC, talks to environmental risk assessment expert Jason Thistlethwaite about how to better prepare for flooding and how to mitigate damage in the future.
Heather Hall is an assistant professor and academic director of the Master of Economic Development and Innovation Program in the School of Environment, Enterprise and Development (SEED). She has been honoured recently with Minister’s Award of Excellence in the category of Everyday Hero.