Two SEED graduate students recognized for contributions to sustainability
SEED is pleased to congratulate two graduate students for their recent contributions to sustainability and who have been recognized with the following awards
SEED is pleased to congratulate two graduate students for their recent contributions to sustainability and who have been recognized with the following awards
New research papers from SEED students and faculty on SDGs, sustainability management and corporate social responsibility
For her co-op placement, Environment & Business student Tanisha Ghorpade worked at Green In You, a startup that works on enabling sustainable consumerism as well as closing the loop on textile waste.
Tobi Oyewole and Shenali Madhanaroopan, two Sustainability Management Master's students, have recently launched their own podcast inspired by all things sustainability. The podcast, called “Eco You”, brings to light how sustainability affects all our daily choices.
For his co-op placement, Environment and Business undergraduate student James Foote worked in the Response Readiness Team for Western Canada Marine Response Corporation (WCMRC). The WCMRC is a world-class oil spill response organization tasked with mechanically retrieving spilled oil out of Canada’s West Coast waters. When an oil spill occurs WCMRC is the only marine response organization on the west coast mandated by Transport Canada.
SEED faculty and graduate students are in the news!
Professor Prateep Nayak will be teaching his field on-line course from August 7 - 14, 2021.
SEED welcomes two co-op students for spring 2021 to enhance the preparation of online courses. We are pleased to introduce them:
Aneta Gardijan:
Program: 3rd year - Environment and Business
Position: Online Learning Assistant (OLA)
The School of Environment, Enterprise and Development (SEED) is very pleased to congratulate a significant number of our research students who have been recognized with these prestigious high-value awards.
New research papers from SEED students and faculty on community sustainability, climate action plans and multidisciplinary environmental management projects.