International Study Trip

Hello everyone! 
This is Matt from the management team of the AFM 334: Winter 2023 Singapore International Study Trip. Today, I would love to tell you more about my role on the management team and give you a little bit of insight into the extensive student-led planning that goes into organizing an educational, productive, and most importantly fun overseas experience.

Hi all! We are the meal and logstics team for the Winter 2023 International Study Trip. Our team consists of Coco, Irene, Melissa, and Samantha. As part of the meal and logistics team, our primary objective is to ensure that the trip operates smoothly and safely as we travel across Singapore. Our roles can be grouped into two core sections: (1) organize the trip schedule (2) lead the students throughout Singapore once we arrive! 

1. What’s your favourite part about being on the meals and logistics team? 

Welcome to the Winter 2023 International Study Trip! This term, our class is headed to Singapore for an unforgettable experience. For planning, our class was split into four teams, corporate relations, meals and logistics, management, and marketing and culture. We’re the marketing and culture team, and we’re so excited to have you here with us as we embark on this journey!  

Our team members are made up of Jeffrey, Khushboo, and Soham. We are looking forward to sharing our insights and letting you in on what goes into coordinating a virtual international study trip course. Throughout the term, we, the Logistics team, have been dedicated to ensuring our class meetings and future interview meetings run optimally. Through proper planning, organizing, and being adaptable, we make it logistically feasible for the class to be able to meet diverse industry executives from around the world.

Our team includes Johnson, Yahya, Evelyn, Mehek, and Waleed. We are excited to share our experiences on what happens behind the scenes when a group of bold, inquisitive, and ambitious students seek to reach out to notable executives from companies around the world. In general, our team’s main goal is to ensure that students on the virtual trip meet professionals from diverse industries to gain insights and learn from their experiences.

On our stellar team of enthusiastic and creative individuals we have Jia Lei, Neha, Samanvitha, and Stefania! Our roles in the M&C team are to create the best possible experiences for our fellow travellers by cultivating opportunities to build connections, all while showing off the amazing work being done throughout the term.