Class | Description |
F | University policies that concern exclusively the terms or conditions of employment of faculty members |
S | University policies that concern exclusively the terms or conditions of employment of staff members |
FS | University policies that concern terms or conditions of employment of both faculty and staff members |
A | University policies that concern the appointment, promotion or removal of University academic administrative officers, including the President, Vice-President, Academic Provost, Deans, Associate Deans, Chairs, Associate Chairs, Directors and Associate Directors of academic units |
G | University policies that concern the use of buildings, grounds and physical plant, the conduct of persons (students, staff, faculty and visitors) on University premises, and other matters of a general nature |
Z | University policies that cover the terms and conditions of employment of graduate and undergraduate students as Teaching Assistants, Research Assistants or undergraduate assistants by the University. (Other forms of employment of students are governed by staff employment policies.) |
Class S
- Leaves of Absence for Staff Members - #39 [S]
- Overtime, University Support Staff - #16 [S]
- Part-Time Teaching Appointments for Full-Time Staff - #47 [S]
- Salary Administration, University Support Staff - #5 [S]
- Staff, Definition of - #54 [S]
- Staff Employment - #18 [S]
- Dispute Resolution for University Support Staff - #36 [S]
- Teaching Appointments, Part-Time, for Full-Time Staff - #47 [S]
- Vacation - Staff - #6 [S]
Class FS
- Benefits to Faculty and Staff Undertaking Part-Time Educational Programs - #4 [FS]
- Conflict of Interest - #69 [FS]
- Conflict of Interest in the Employment and Supervision of Personnel - #62 [FS]
- Contract Research at University of Waterloo - #41 [FS]
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP) - #67 [FS]
- Ethical Behaviour - #33 [FS]
- Exchange of Teaching Resources and Arrangements for Transferring Teaching Services from or to Affiliated and Federated Colleges, or other Universities and Colleges - #9 [FS]
- Holidays, Paid - #38 [FS]
- Moving Expenses and Travel Allowances to Newly-Appointed Faculty and Staff Members, Payment of - #28 [FS]
- Pregnancy and Parental Leaves (including Adoption), and the Return to Work - #14 [FS]
- Pension and Insured Benefits, Eligibility for - #23 [FS]
- Private Corporations - #52 [FS]
- Reduced Workload to Retirement - #59 [FS]
- Tuition Benefit for Children of Faculty and Staff - #24 [FS]
- University Policies, Initiation and Review of - #1 [FS]
- Vacations and Vacation Pay for Non-regular Faculty Members, Including Graduate and Undergraduate Students with Academic Appointments - #56 [FS]
Class A
Class G
- Alcohol Use and Education- #21 [G]
- Accessibility - #58 [G]
- Audio-Visual Centre Services, Use of -# 37 [G]
- Bookings -- Use and Reservation of University Facilities for Activities not regularly timetabled - #15 [G]
- Bulletin Boards, Temporary Signs, and Notices - #2 [G]
- Capital and Non-Capital Assets - #74 [G]
- Cash Handling - #51 [G]
- Computer Software, Use of Proprietary - #64 [G]
- Emergency Response, University of Waterloo - #60 [G]
- Environmental Sustainability - #53 [G]
- Equality in Employment - #65 [G]
- Equipment in University Buildings, Regulations Governing the Installation of - #22 [G]
- Freedom of Speech - #8 [G]
- Firearms - #35 [G]
- Gift Acceptance - #7 [G]
- Health, Safety and Environment - #34 [G]
- Information Management - #46 [G]
- Intellectual Property Rights - #73 [G]
- Library Facilities - #25 [G]
- Lost and Found - #20 [G]
- Naming Opportunities - #10 [G]
- Non-Academic Surveys with University Populations - #55 [G]
- Pets on University Property - #32 [G]
- Prevention of and Response to Sexual Violence - #42 [G]
Sexual Violence Response Protocol and Procedures - Physical Recreation Facilities, Use of - #27 [G]
- Quotations and Tenders - #17 [G]
- Research Centres and Institutes - #44 [G]
- Religious Accommodation - #61 [G]
- Smoke-Free Campus - #29 [G]
- Sponsored Research Activities (grants, contracts and other research support), Provision for University Overhead in - #26 [G]
- Student Discipline - #71 [G]
- Student Appeals - #72 [G]
- Student Petitions and Grievances - #70 [G]
- University Expenses - #31 [G]
- University Risk Management - #11 [G]
- Use of University Resources and Affiliation - #66 [G]
Policies - cancelled or not in use
- Archives - #43 (Cancelled; subsumed under #3 Sabbatical and Other Leaves for Faculty Members)
- Archives - #13 (Cancelled; subsumed under #46 [Information Management])
- Access to and Release of Student Information (Cancelled; subsumed under #46 [Information Management])
- Computer Software - #61 (Cancelled; subsumed under #73 [Intellectual Property Rights])
- Dean of Graduate Studies, The- #44 (Cancelled, position converted to Associate Provost, Graduate Studies)
- Faculty Appointments - Tenure - #53 (Cancelled, see Policy 76 [Faculty Appointments] and Policy 77 [Tenure and Promotion of Faculty Members])
- Faculty Grievances - #63 (Cancelled, see Article 9 Memorandum of Agreement)
- Faculty Salaries - #11 (Cancelled, see Article 13 Memorandum of Agreement)
- Guelph-Waterloo Centre for Graduate Work in Chemistry, Search and Nominating Committee for Director - #58 (Cancelled) [A]
- Information Security - #8 (Cancelled; subsumed under #46 [Information Management])
- Library Lending - #57 (Cancelled)
- Patent Policy - #42 (Cancelled, subsumed under #73 [Intellectual Property Rights])
- Records Management - #12 (Cancelled; subsumed under #46 [Information Management])
- Student Information, Access to and Release of - #19 (Cancelled, subsumed under #46 [Information Management]) [G]
- Study Leaves for Staff Members - #55 (Cancelled, subsumed under #39 [Unpaid Leaves of Absence for Staff Members])
- Video Display Terminals by Pregnant Employees, Use of (Cancelled May 9, 2002)