January 2022

Compassionate communication needed to show the value of staff

Transparent communication is essential in all areas of life, but especially in the workplace. We believe the UW communications about working remotely and the return to campus plan last week showed a lack of clarity and compassion for employees. 

Goodbye 2021, Hello 2022

Good riddance to 2021, right? Just when we thought we could put the pandemic behind us, it came roaring back to disrupt our time with friends and family over the holiday break. Although 2021 may not have been everything you hoped, this pandemic has allowed for some myth-busting and self-growth. It is clearer than ever that complete separation of the personal from the professional is not possible. In 2022, let’s welcome and honor whole human beings working at UWaterloo, and help create a work environment where people are supported to engage their hearts and minds.