This is part two of our “UWSA 101”series, in which we explain how the UWSA works, your rights as a member, and how to participate in our upcoming elections!

Last week, we covered our Memorandum of Agreement with the University of Waterloo, which gives us official status as your representative (catch up here if you missed it).

Internally, the UWSA has two key governing documents that say what we do and how we do it:

Articles of Incorporation

The University of Waterloo Staff Association (UWSA) Letter of Patent (PDF) established the UWSA as a corporation and its "objects" (purpose) in 1973. That purpose includes uniting staff at Waterloo, protecting the interests and welfare of members, and promoting educational opportunities for members.


The UWSA By-law, enacted October 28, 2021, dictates how the association operates at the level of the board and member meetings.

As a not-for-profit corporation, we have to follow the Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA). The Ontario government has a great guide to ONCA, which covers the responsibilities of directors and the rights and responsibilities of members, among other things. Our by-law is kind of like an extension of that legislation, adding more detail about how we operate specifically.

What’s in the by-law?

The by-law sets out the fundamentals of how the UWSA is governed, including:

  1. What happens at an annual meeting

  2. How the board of directors is elected

  3. The roles of the chair, vice chair, treasurer, and secretary

  4. What our standing committees do

  5. Who has signing authority

  6. How decision making works at member and board meetings

Since they were enacted in 2021 before the new MoA and some structural changes, our by-law is currently under review to ensure consistency.

What’s not in the by-law?

The by-law only covers the governance and oversight of the association, not its day-to-day work with and for members.

This governance work is the realm of the board; the day-to-day work of representing and supporting staff is carried out by the UWSA Operations Team (the president, president-elect, past president, and three permanent employees) and volunteers, such as committee members.

Stay tuned for more about the difference between governance and operations next week.
