Black Virtuality - ADE for Games Communities Workshop and Speaker Series

Monday, September 25, 2023 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Black Virtuality

A.M. Darke

Across digital media, Black people are portrayed in ways that are derogatory, inaccurate, stereotypical, demeaning, and otherwise harmful. And Black culture is often depersonalized and extracted from Black bodies. Through projects like ‘Ye or Nay? and the Open-Source Afro Hair Library, artist A.M. Darke reimagines the construction and consumption of Black bodies in virtual space, discussing critical approaches to portraying Blackness in games and virtual space.

This is part of the ADE for Games Communities Workshop and Speaker Series

These events are lectures, panels and workshops hosted by a variety of researchers across the globe, discussing themes related to decolonization, equity, accessibility and diversity in games and game communities.