Innovation on display at University of Waterloo Stratford campus student project showcase
"Ideas Start Here" is more than just a school slogan for students at the University of Waterloo Stratford campus.
It's a fact.
"Ideas Start Here" is more than just a school slogan for students at the University of Waterloo Stratford campus.
It's a fact.
They call it the Engage Lab, but that doesn’t begin to describe what’s happening inside room 1013 at the University of Waterloo Stratford campus.
Technically, it’s the Engage: UX (user experience) and Gamification Research Lab, but even that falls short.
It’s really a digital media sandbox.
Elles ont toutes décloisonné l'espace, mis l'étudiant au centre du campus et parié sur l'innovation pédagogique et architecturale. Qui sont ces universités du XXIe siècle ?
An installment of CBC Radio's Cross Country Checkup, broadcast live from the University of Waterloo's Stratford campus on Sunday, Sept. 28, was meant to stir the debate as to the future of libraries and print in the age of Google.
At University of Waterloo’s Stratford campus, Peter Mansbridge asks Canada whether libraries are still central to research
Enrolment at the Stratford Campus of the University of Waterloo is currently at 350 students but is expected to grow to about 500 next year.
It's full steam ahead at the University of Waterloo Stratford campus, where as of this September there are 350 enrolled and an additional 150 students anticipated next fall.
By 2016, school officials expect the campus will reach full capacity with over 600 students – over 200 of whom will be full-time and living in Stratford.
User experience (UX) is how you interact with software (as an example: the videos on YouTube are the content, the YouTube home page is the UX), and is an important part of software (and hardware) development, that is often overlooked. Two local UX experts have created the Fluxible conference in the Region, which has become a must-attend event for the UX community. Speakers will be coming in from across North America and locally including Facebook, GE,
This is not just another story of an overachieving 20-year-old with brains, beauty and remarkable athletic skills who had an idea that she and her computer-camp friend turned into a moneymaking startup.
The Stratford Campus of the University of Waterloo is growing.
Executive Director Ginny Dybenko says enrollment is exceeding expectations.