University of Waterloo student financial aid consumer information disclosure

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Consumer information disclosure

Consumer information Description
Financial information for students Refer to Awards and financial aid 
Students with disabilities For information about services offered to students with disabilities is available from AccessAbility Services.
Cost of Attendance

For information on the cost of tuition, fees, mandatory health insurance refer to the Student Financial Services website

Refund policy and procedure

Information on University of Waterloo tuition, fees refund policy can be found on the Student Financial Services website.

Return of Title IV Financial Aid

University of Waterloo Return of Title IV funds policy (R2T4)

Academic programs Listing of undergrad programs Listing of graduate programs
Transfer students Information for transfer students, including transfer credits and articulations agreements, visit the Transfer Student website
Copyright information Refer to Waterloo’s policies on copyright information at Copyright at Waterloo.
Textbook information Textbook information can be found on Waterloo’s Bookstore website.
Privacy or records Information and Privacy website
Fire safety Fire safety and evacuation procedures are available through our Safety Office.
National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS)

Waterloo reports student registration on NSLDS several times each academic year. Access is through the National Student Loan Data Service

Entrance counseling for student loan borrowers Student loan entrance counseling
Exit counseling for student loan borrowers Student loan exit counseling
Student Loan information Information is published by the U.S. Department of Education regarding loan availability, including information about rights and responsibilities of students and schools under Title IV, HEA loan programs.
Employment rates Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) Key Performance Indicators
Degree completion rates

Institutional Anaysis and Planning

Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) Key Performance Indicators
Missing Person Policy To report any missing persons, please contact Special Constable Services.
Drug and alcohol abuse prevention

Health Services, Employee and Family Assistance Plan, and Counselling Services all provide

Information for students or employees relating to drug and alcohol abuse prevention
Athletics Information on varsity sports is available through the Athletics website.
Private education loans Sallie Mae

University of Waterloo does not in any way or form meaningfully misrepresent the nature of its educational programs nor does it intentionally provide false, erroneous or misleading statements regarding the nature of its educational programs, nature of financial charges, employability of its graduates or its relationship with the U.S Department of Education. University of Waterloo’s

Educational Programs are governed by the university’s Senate.
Externship and Internship

Programs that include an exchange or internship are not eligible for Title IV or US Direct Loans funding. Please contact Student Awards & Financial Aid office to confirm if your program is

Joint Programs

These joint programs are not eligible for Title IV funding