​​​​The Course Schedule view in Quest is temporarily unavailable while fall term enrolment is finalized. This functionality will resume on Wednesday July 17th.

Incoming first-year students: 

News archive - January 2024

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Winter 2024 OSAP confirmation of enrolment

When will my winter 2024 OSAP funding issue?

Student Awards & Financial Aid will confirm your enrolment electronically with the Ministry of Colleges and Universities. We start this process before the holiday break. Your OSAP funding will be applied to your student account and/or sent directly to you starting in early-January. This process will continue regularly throughout the term.

What can I do to make sure I get my funding at the start of the term?

Monday, January 8, 2024

Service Canada SIN Clinics for 2024

Service Canada Logo

Service Canada representatives will be in The Centre issuing and renewing SINs for Waterloo students.

Upcoming date: 

  • Tuesday, March 19
  • Tuesday, May 14
  • Tuesday, June 4
  • Thursday, August 8
  • Wednesday, August 28

Clinics take place between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. To book an appointment; drop by The Centre, call 519-888-4567, ext. 42268, or book online via Portal (available beginning at noon, the day prior to the appointment). 

  1. 2024 (8)
    1. May (4)
    2. March (1)
    3. February (1)
    4. January (2)
  2. 2023 (7)
    1. December (2)
    2. November (2)
    3. October (2)
    4. June (1)