Applied Math Seminar | Richard Lopp, Seminar 1: QED in the Coulomb Gauge and Equivalent Representations

Wednesday, April 7, 2021 12:00 pm - 12:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Zoom: please contact amgrad@uwaterloo for the meeting link


Richard Lopp | University of Waterloo


Seminar 1: QED in the Coulomb Gauge and Equivalent Representations

Please note: this is apart of the seminar series, Light and Atoms. Seminar 2 and Seminar 3 will follow on April 14th and April 21st respecitvely. 


We will start with the basics of classical electromagnetism and quantize the interaction of light and matter in the simple Coulomb gauge. Accordingly, we will discuss the physical interpretation of the degrees of freedom involved. The resulting minimal coupling Hamiltonian, however, is usually not the model one works with. To that end, we will study how different, equivalent representations are connected with each other and how physical observables change.