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Nasser Abukhdeir
Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering
Research Expertise
- Hydrodynamics of Complex Fluids and Multiphase Flows
- Computational Methods in Engineering
- Topological optimization of structural analysis
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Nasser Abukhdeir
Lisa Aultman-Hall
Professor, Systems Design Engineering
Research Expertise
- Transportation systems data collection and modeling
- Energy demand for electric vehicle charging
- Intercity travel and accessibility
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Lisa Aultman-Hall
Otman Basir
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Biologically inspired intelligent systems
- Human Computer Interaction (HCI)/Human Machine Interface (HMI) systems
- Hybrid systems
- Intelligent embedded systems
- Sensory systems design
Centre for Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (CPAMI)
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Otman Basir
Claudio Cañizares
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Battery charging systems
- Network/distributed and web-based programming applications in power systems
- Nonlinear systems theory and its applications to electricity markets
- Optimal power management in competitive electricity markets
- Smart charging systems
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Claudio Cañizares
Zhongwei Chen
Professor, Chemical Engineering
Research Expertise
- Advanced nanostructured conductive polymers
- Nanocomposite membranes for fuel cell and water purification
- Nanostructured fuel cell catalysts
- Synthesis, functionalization and fabrication of nanostructured materials
- Zeolite nanoparticles and membranes
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Zhongwei Chen
Perry Chou
Professor, Chemical Engineering
Research Expertise
- Biofuel production – including biohydrogen, biodiesel, and biobutanol
- Biomanufacturing
- Bioprocessing technologies
- Recombinant protein production
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Perry Chou
Eric Croiset
Professor, Chemical Engineering
Research Expertise
- Emissions control using CO2 abatement technologies
- Hydrogen production
- Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) simulation and modeling
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Eric Croiset
Cecile Devaud
Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Research Expertise
- Computational fluid dynamics
- Turbulent combustion modelling
- Emissions
- Auto-ignition
- Spray/mixing
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Cecile Devaud
Michael Fowler
Professor, Chemical Engineering
Research Expertise
- Conductive polymer blends
- Design and performance of fuel cell stacks and systems
- Development and testing of polymeric materials
- Fuel cell materials testing
- Fuel cell system reliability and modelling
- Hydrogen production and distribution
- Life cycle analysis
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Michael Fowler
Roydon Fraser
Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Research Expertise
- Alternative fuels
- Energy analysis of energy conversion systems
- In-cylinder combustion diagnostics and engineering
- Life cycle analysis
- Thermodynamics of ecosystems
- Vehicle fleet/power plant/industry emissions impacts (local and regional)
- Window thermal performance modelling
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Roydon Fraser
Jean-Pierre Hickey
Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Research Expertise
- Multiphysics simulations
- Turbulent simulations (LES, DNS)
- High-speed aerothermodynamics
- Trans-/Supercritical combustion
- Turbulence modelling in two-phase flow
- High-pressure fuel injector systems
- Low-order modelling of fluid systems
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Jean-Pierre Hickey
Sheshakamal Jayaram
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Analysis or conduction and breakdown mechanisms in insulating materials under high voltage stress
- Characterization analysis of batteries and supercapacitors
- High voltage and electrical insulation engineering
- Performance evaluation of energy storage elements
- Pulse power technologies
- Use of partial discharge and other high frequency components as diagnostic tools for insulation failure analysis
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Shesha Jayaram
Soo Jeon
Associate Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Research Expertise
- Design and control of mechatronic systems
- Instrumented robotics
- Non-smooth dynamic systems
- Sensory information processing of motion control
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Soo Jeon
David Johnson
Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Research Expertise
- Development and application of Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) to flows
- Fan design and testing
- Fluid-thermal component design and analysis
- Incompressible flow turbomachinery (turbines, fans, and pumps)
- Jet and nozzle flows
- Large scale PIV and measurement techniques
- Pump design and testing
- Wind energy and wind turbines
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David Johnson
Fakhri Karray
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Autonomous and intelligent systems
- Computational intelligence and applications
- Cognitive robotics and advanced mechatronics
- Distributed real time systems
- Concept extraction and natural speech understanding
- Multi modal information retrieval
Centre for Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (CPAMI)
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Fakhri Karray
Mehrdad Kazerani
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Active power filters
- Battery electric, hybrid electric and fuel cell vehicles
- Current-source converter/inverter applications
- Distributed power generation
- Flexible alternating current (AC) transmission systems (FACTS)
- Fuel cell power conditioners
- Matrix converters
- Photovoltaic grid-connected inverters
- Power quality
- Pulse power applications
- Sustainable energy storage systems
- Utility interface of alternative energy sources
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Mehrdad Kazerani
Amir Khajepour
Professor, Director of the Waterloo Centre for Automotive Research (WatCAR)
Research Expertise
- Active vehicle stability
- Advanced vehicle systems
- Air-gas hybrid engine
- Complex hydraulic and vehicle dynamic systems modelling for articulated vehicles
- Configuration and power management control strategies for electric and electric-gas hybrid
- Embedded suspension systems
- Engine and body mounting systems (Passive and Active)
- Noise, Vibration and Harshness (NVH)
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Amir Khajepour
Behrad Khamesee
Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Research Expertise
- Clean room applications
- Electromagnetic dampers
- Micromanipulation using magnetic levitation
- Microrobotics
- Smart structures and actuators
- Wind tunnel testing
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Behrad Khamesee
Holger Kleinke
Professor, Chemistry
Research Expertise
- Crystal Structure Prediction
- Inorganic Materials
- Solid State Chemistry
- Thermoelectric Energy Conversion
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Holger Kleinke
Nasser Lashgarian Azad
Associate Professor, Systems Design Engineering
Research Expertise
- Modeling, model reduction methods, simulation, sensitivity analysis techniques, design and optimal control of advanced vehicle components and systems
- Novel model-based design tools for automotive systems
- Optimization of power management strategies for hybrid vehicles
- Speed trajectory control for fuel optimal driving
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Nasser Lashgarian Azad
Xianguo Li
Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Research Expertise
- Energy and exergy analysis
- Energy conversion technologies
- Fuel atomization and spray formation
- Fuel Cell performance modelling and optimization
- Heat transfer processes
- Life cycle analysis
- Modelling of transport phenomena in fuel cells
- Techniques for design and fabrication of fuel cell components
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Xianguo Li
Raafat Mansour
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Advanced modeling and design methodologies for radio frequency (RF)/microwave
- Analysis of integrated RF systems (components, packaging and interconnect)
- Computer aided diagnostic/tuning tools for Electromagnetic band gap structures
- Filters and multiplexers
- RF-Micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) technology and nano-based sensors
- RF-Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) components
- Superconductive microwave devices
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Raafat Mansour
John McPhee
Professor, Systems Design Engineering
Research Expertise
- Automotive system modelling
- Biomechanics
- Multibody dynamics and vehicle design optimization
- Real-time simulation
- Vehicle dynamics
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John McPhee
Kirsten Morris
Professor, Applied Mathematics
Research Expertise
- Estimation of charge in batteries
- Control of smart materials
- Optimization of sensor and hardware placement
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Kirsten Morris
Linda Nazar
Professor, Chemistry
Research Expertise
- Design and analysis of advanced materials for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries
- Development of new materials for enhanced energy storage and conversion
- Hydrogen Storage and Fuel Cell Catalyst Materials
- Mesoporous metal oxides
- Solid state electrochemistry of metal oxides, metal phosphates and pnictides
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Linda Nazar
Flora Ng
Professor, Chemical Engineering
Research Expertise
- Catalyst development for hydrocarbon processing
- Catalytic distillation
- Heavy oil and emulsion upgrading
- Production of ultra low Sulphur gasoline and diesel fuel
- Production of value added products from waste plastics
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Flora Ng
Patricia Nieva
Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Research Expertise
- Micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) and Nano-electro-mechanical systems (NEMS) sensors for operation in harsh environments
- MEMS/NEMS processing, packaging and microassembly
- Micropower generation
- Micro-opto-electro-mechanical systems (MOEMS) and adaptive optics
- Physical MEMS/NEMS sensors and devices
- Self-contained integrated microsystems
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Patricia Nieva
Sean Peterson
Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Research Expertise
- Biological Fluid Dynamics
- Energy Harvesting
- Fluid/Structure Interaction
- Optical Diagnostic Methods for Fluid Mechanics
- Vortex Dynamics
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Sean Peterson
Mark Pritzker
Professor, Chemical Engineering
Research Expertise
- Electrochemical Engineering
- Electrochemical techniques for fabrication of nanostructures
- Leaching, adsorption and ion exchange processes
- Metal and alloy electrodeposition
- Proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) and Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) experimentation and modelling
- Process Modelling
- Simulation and optimization of oriented strand board manufacturing
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Mark Pritzker
Catherine Rosenberg
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Broadband networks: Internet protocol (IP), Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), and Multiprotocol label switching (MPLS)
- Cellular networks: cross-layer integration, resource management, mobility and power management, opportunistic scheduling
- Multimedia applications: Content delivery network (CDN), peer-to-peer, and location-based services
- Network security: Distributed denial of services (DDOS), traffic monitoring
- Traffic engineering: quality of service, game theory and pricing, dynamic provisioning, network design, routing, congestion control, scheduling
- Wireless networks: sensors and Wireless local area networks (WLANs)
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Catherine Rosenberg
Magdy Salama
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Distribution system automation and load management
- Distribution system performance analysis
- Distribution system planning
- Energy Systems
- Grounding system analysis
- Power quality analysis
- Power system asset management and monitoring
- Reactive power control
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Magdy Salama
George Shaker
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- RF/microwave/millimeter wave/Terahertz (THz) circuits and antenna systems
- Radio frequency (RF)/microwave packaging and Electromagnetic compatibility
- (EMC)/Electromagnetic interface (EMI) analyses
- Vehicle and UAV wireless communications, navigation systems, and telematics systems
- Bio-wearable electronics and systems
- Energy harvesting systems
- Complex propagation and scattering phenomena
- Devices and novel electromagnetic materials and wireless sensors
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George Shaker
Siva Sivoththaman
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Advanced processing technologies for microelectronic devices and process modeling
- Low-permittivity dielectric films and device integration
- Low-thermal budget, rapid thermal, and optothermal processing in silicon
- Micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) technology, silicon micromachining
- Nanocrystalline semiconductors and nanostructures
- Silicon-based crystalline and thin-film photovoltaic devices: design and fabrication technology
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Siva Sivoththaman
Zhongchao Tan
Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Research Expertise
- Post combustion air pollution control
- Syngas purification
- Thermochemical process for alternative fuel production
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Zhongchao Tan
David Wang
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Automated mechatronics design
- Flexible link manipulators
- Haptics
- Nonlinear control
- Robot manipulators
- Telehaptics
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David Wang
William Wong
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Heterogeneous integration
- Laser processing of materials
- Materials and devices for flexible electronics
- Materials and devices for solid-state lighting
- Nanofabrication for energy conversion and storage, sensing, and nanoelecronics
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William Wong
Serhiy Yarusevych
Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Research Expertise
- Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics
- Experimental and Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Flow and Noise Control
- Fluid Structure Interactions
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Serhiy Yarusevych
Tze Wei (John) Yeow
Professor, Systems Design Engineering
Research Expertise
- Micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS)/Nano-electro-mechanical systems (NEMS)
- Microassembly
- Nanodevices for biomedical applications
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Tze Wei (John) Yeow
Aiping Yu
Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering
Research Expertise
- Functionalization of carbon nanotubes and graphene
- Nanomaterials (nanotubes, wires, platelets, and particles) synthesis and processing
- Nanomaterials for engineering nanocomposites, solar cells, and sensors/actuators
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Aiping Yu