Instructor Support

Whether you're newly appointed to the faculty, a graduate student hired as a Sessional Instructor, or a faculty member with many years of teaching experience, ISG welcomes you to check out what services and advice we can provide to instructional staff at the Cheriton School of Computer Science.

Yizhou Zhang with graduate students

General guidelines for CS Faculty and Instructors

Classroom support

For classroom problems such as burnt-out lights or broken chairs/tables, report urgent matters to Plant Operations by submitting a work request.

If non-urgent you may report any missing/broken furniture to either the Undergraduate Studies Administrative Coordinator or the Undergraduate Operations Coordinator to relay the issues to the Registrar's Office.

Technical issues in classrooms or labs

Information Systems Technology (IST) will be able to support you with urgent and non urgent issues relating to classroom projectors, podium computers, document cameras (doc cams), microphones, and any other issues that occur in Registrar's classrooms. 

If you have issues in labs, contact CSCF.

Override forms

Normally, students can enrol into courses themselves, given that they meet the prerequisites and have no scheduling conflicts. However, students may run into issues with the enrolment capacity, reserves, or department consent. 

All override form requests for undergraduate CS courses should go through the CS advisors in order to ensure that requests are handled in as fair a fashion as possible. There are built-in measures in place for lecture capacities during the enrolment periods so, it is very important that you do not sign any override forms.

If your course is also cross-listed with a non-CS course, please contract the CS advisors to determine the protocol.

Requests from graduate students should be handled handled by the CS Graduate Office.

Ordering Textbooks

You will need to order textbooks if necessary for your course or indicate in the system if you do not plan to order textbooks for your course each term.

The CS Undergraduate Advisor manages a textbook library from which instructors or TAs can borrow copies or reserve textbooks through the Davis Centre library. They will contact instructors regarding ordering new textbooks, reserving books for the previous term, and send reminder emails if loans are outstanding. 

Any changes to the course's textbooks should be made with the the course coordinator/outline maintainer.

Room bookings

Meeting rooms

If you would like to book a room to have course staff meeting (weekly, marking, exam related, etc.) contact Undergraduate Studies Administrative Coordinator or the School Receptionist to see what options are available in DC. 

Include the following information in your request:

Start Time/End Time:
Room Preferences (if applicable):

You can also find other options available from other Math departments.

Consulting hours / office hours

If you have TAs responsible for hosting in-person consulting hours for an undergraduate CS course, they should be hosted in the CS Consulting Centre (MC 4065). You can schedule regular hours and obtain key access through the Undergraduate Studies Administrative Coordinator.

Lab bookings

Computer labs can be booked out for additional course related tutorials, office hours, etc. through the Undergraduate Studies Administrative Coordinator, CSCF, or MFCF.

Include the following information in your request:

Start Time/End Time:
Number of Seats required:
Room Preferences (if applicable):

Midterm/final examination room bookings

Classrooms can be booked through Undergraduate Studies Administrative Coordinator for any of the following:

  • review sessions (e.g. for midterm/final exam preparation)
  • additional rooms for midterms
  • additional rooms for alternative midterm/exams
  • additional rooms for marking midterms/exams

Include the following information in your request:

Start Time/End Time:
Room/Building Preferences:

Technical Support

The Computer Science Computer Facility (CSCF) maintains two computing environments. All faculty, staff and graduate students have accounts on the general or core environment on the core CS servers, The environment is for coursework and is used by the undergraduate students.

Contact the CSCF Help Desk for any of the following.

  • Setting up passwords for WatIAM, CS-GENERAL and CS-STUDENT.
  • Computer imaging and base configuration.
  • Help with eduroam wireless connection.
  • Loaning equipment such as laptops, displays, portable hard drives, USBs, cables for different types of display connectors and more.
  • Setting up network printers.
  • Configuring email.

Please note that even if your request seems unrelated to the above list, the help desk staff will receive your request and ensure that it is recorded and assigned to the appropriate full-time CSCF staff person. The help desk will also triage emails sent to cs-print, cs-accounts and some other "generic" email accounts.

Classroom/lab related technical issues

Information Systems Technology (IST) will be able to support you with urgent and non urgent issues relating to classroom projectors, podium computers, document cameras (doc cams), microphones, and any other issues that occur in Registrar's classrooms. 

If you have issues in labs, contact CSCF.