Welcome from the Co-Directors

Profile photo of James Thompson
Professor standing outside for a profile shot
James Thompson, Co-Director and Associate Professor Toshiya Hachisuka, Co-Director and Associate Professor

Computing and Financial Management (CFM) is offered jointly by the School of Accounting and Finance and the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science. Combining the strengths of both schools, CFM will offer you a depth and breadth of knowledge that cannot be attained anywhere else. 

Canada's premier School of Accounting and Finance (SAF) has established an enviable reputation since its inception in 1982. With expert faculty, strong relationships with employers and professional associations, and the high caliber of education, students in the SAF are prepared to go far with their careers. 

The David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science prides itself on the many advantages it has to offer students - innovation in research and education, close contact with surrounding high-tech companies, and the recognizable success of graduates after they complete their degrees. 

As you explore the website, you'll see for yourself all of the many opportunities that a degree in Computing and Financial Management can offer. We think that you'll agree that this program offers a unique learning experience which combines interesting and challenging coursework and the opportunity to gain up to two years of paid work experience. This one-of-a-kind degree will open many doors for you after you graduate.


James Thompson and Toshiya Hachisuka