Transferring to Computing and Financial Management

Last updated: January 8, 2025

Students can be added to the CFM program as an internal transfer each term.

Typically, internal transfers students have identified a strong desire to work in financial technology or work towards a high-tech career. They have clearly demonstrated a strong academic track record (80%+ average) over at least two terms in a co-op program. We are looking for students that can handle the academic rigor of a double major program and graduate from the CFM program.

If you are :

  • A current University of Waterloo student
  • Interested in a career in financial technology or high tech.
  • Enrolled as co-op student.
  • A student that regularly earns above 80% in all your courses.
  • A student that has completed the courses identified below for transfer assessment.

Please find out what you need to do to be eligible if you would like to be considered for a transfer to Computing and Financial Management (CFM), Applications to transfer to CFM are accepted and reviewed at the end of each term.

Transfers to CFM from other post-secondary institutions are not eligible for consideration due to limitations with courses and co-op. Transfers to CFM are only available to students at Waterloo. 

Minimum requirements for transfer

If you are a Computer Science (Co-op), Software Engineering or Waterloo-based Business Administration and Computer Science Double Degree student you will have other transfer conditions. Contact the Program Manager for more information. 

Courses Minimum grades per class
Mathematics (e.g. MATH, STATS, ACTSC) Low 80s
Computer science Low 80s
Arts (e.g. AFM, ECON, SPCOM, PHIL, ENGL) Low 80s

Course requirements

ALL of the courses below need to be completed and graded for a transfer to be considered. 

*There may be exceptional circumstances where a student with very high marks maybe considered without all math course requirements. These matters are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.


CFM is a co-op only program. You'll need to already be in co-op to be eligible to transfer.

If you're currently a Math Regular student, you'll need to review the requirements to transfer from regular to co-op.

All other students can contact their academic advisor for information on co-op.

Important notes

  • Transfer requests are assessed on a case-by-case basis each term.
  • You should speak with your academic advisor before attempting a transfer.
  • Transfers into CFM are competitive.
  • Courses graded with a CR/NCR mark cannot be assessed for transfer.

Things to keep in mind

  • CFM is structured - The Computing and Financial Management is a structured co-op-only program that is a major of computer science and a major of finance. To fit in these requirements, you'll need to take 36 required courses and 4 general electives. To see if CFM is the right fit, use our course planning resources to see when classes are offered and what you'll take as part of your degree. 
  • Transferrable credits - If admitted as a transfer student, you will likely receive some transfer credits. This will be determined at the time of transfer admissions. 
  • Transferring to CS (as of Fall 2022) - If you are admitted to CFM and then attempt to CS, please be aware that a new merit-based transfer review and assessment will begin as of fall 2022.

How to apply for a transfer

Our applications are currently closed for winter 2025 consideration. If you would like to apply for spring 2025, please make sure that you satisfy all of the minimum admission requirements for a transfer. Please wait for all unofficial grade information to become available for your courses before you submit the form if you are currently completing an academic term.

The form will open again sometime in March for spring 2025 consideration.


If you have questions about the minimum requirements or transfer process, please email the Program Manager.

Transfers are competitive for CFM and all minimum course and co-op requirements must be met for consideration.