Computer Museum Brainstorming Session

Thursday, February 15, 2018 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Math staff members are invited to participate in a Brainstorming Session. We are looking to capture your stories, anecdotes and notes that will be helpful in the development of the three computing displays:

  • Slide rules and analog computer display – M3 Atrium
  • Teaching and computing display – MC 3rd floor alcove backing onto MC 3015, machine roo
  • Computing research and Spin-Offs – DC alcove in corridor opposite ICR

Our mission is to incorporate historical teaching and research aspects used for mathematics at the University of Waterloo so that we will have factual accounts to appeal to all audiences.

We're collecting artifacts for these exhibits. Donations of hardware,software, peripherals and related material including old calculators, manuals, textbooks, or notes will be welcome.

Refreshments will be provided.

Questions may be directed to the Computer Museum display organizers: Debbie Brown, Scott Campbell, Lawrence Folland and Robyn Landers