CFM student Piero C. delivers an incredible presentation at the DECA Provincials

Monday, February 13, 2023

On February 13, 2023 at the Toronto Sheraton Centre, CFM student Piero C. spoke at the DECA Provincials for their Leadership Development Academy. Piero’s portion of the presentation 一 which he delivered alongside Harrison C. 一 focused on educating prospective students about FinTech and CFM.

After introducing himself and diving into what prompted his interest in the CFM program, Piero went on to detail the potential of FinTech and the tools that are currently being utilized to technologically advance the financial services industry. He effectively portrayed the overall importance of FinTech and outlined the ways in which CFM is already preparing him to enter a variety of industries including tech, financial services, and FinTech. 

CFM student Piero speaking to an audience at the DECA Provincials in the Toronto Sheraton Centre

To conclude such an enlightening presentation, prospective students formed teams to create a business pitch for a new product or service that could be implemented in the space of FinTech or Sustainable Finance. This fun and informative activity allowed students to walk away not only with a deeper understanding of business pitches relative to FinTech and Sustainable Finance, but with prizes as well (for the most well-crafted pitches, of course!) 

And, just like that, the presentation came to a close. Thank you to Piero for representing CFM with such skill and precision 一 you really gave prospective students many valuable points to consider!