Major turnout for Co-op Prep Session 2

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Thank you to everyone who attended the Co-op Prep Session 2 that was held on January 12th, which included dinner, an engaging presentation, and volunteer-run information booths. The turnout was bigger than expected! Also, a special thank you to our terrific presenter Melanie Bullagao, CFM Program Manager Kim Tremblay, and all of our amazing volunteers (Lexi G., Zekun W., Yingying H., Alexander Z., Kaylee Y., Charlie L., Keshav C., and Daman G.).

Before kicking off the event, students were treated to a delicious lasagna dinner complete with salad and cookies. Afterward, Melanie Bullagao from the Career Action Centre delivered an outstanding presentation all about the interviewing process. Melanie gave great pointers on how to prepare for an interview, as well as what sort of questions will be asked by prospective employers. Thanks for the info, Melanie!

Students surround booth while waiting for resume critiques

To end off the night, our volunteers set up two tables: one for networking and one for resume critiques, where the students were invited to ask questions and gain valuable insight to aid them in their job search. Students enjoyed receiving useful feedback just as much as our volunteers enjoyed providing it. We know that such information will be an asset during the co-op process!

Students surround booth while waiting for resume critiques

Once again, thank you so much to everyone who attended and volunteered for this prep session!