

Energizing is about filling-the-tank, so to speak. It is about doing things that refresh and recharge our reserves. Energizing is about connecting to our passions, goals, and dreams, to create the motivation, energy and stamina to keep going.

What fuels and recharges us varies greatly for each person. What matters is that whatever you do helps you feel alter, refreshed, motivated, and ready to take on the challenges of live, school, and work.

Some things that might help you feel energized are:

  • Do something fun that you enjoy/love
  • Spend time with people who make you laugh
  • Have a great conversation
  • Read jokes and memes, or watch a comedy
  • Spend time in nature
  • Review your goals and dreams, remind yourself why this is important to you
  • Do something to help someone else
  • Exercise and movement, especially a brisk walk
  • Splashing your face with cold water or taking a cold shower
  • Exposure to sunlight (Sunlight regulates vitamin D production and reduces seasonal depression, called Seasonal Affective Disorder. You can also sign-out one of our Sunshine Lights from the Undergrad Office)
  • Eat a nutritious snack (especially protein)


waterfall beside lake