Emotional Wellness

What is Emotional wellness

Wellness in the emotional dimension is the ability to recognize, accept, process, and take responsibility for all of one’s feelings, whether negative or positive, and to share feelings of anger, fear, sadness, or stress; hope, joy, love, and happiness in appropriate and productive ways. This includes the ability to manage and shift emotional states, as well as the ability to recognize and consider the feelings of other people and animals, and respond appropriately.

  • Impulse control
  • Drive/determination (motivation)
  • Self-esteem/self-acceptance/self-compassion
  • Ability to understand, accept, and manage one’s feelings
  • Ability to express feelings with others
  • Self-confidence/self-compassion
  • Ability to trust in ourselves and others
  • Being optimistic about outcomes
  • Ability to recognize emotions in others
  • Humour and play/fun

Tips on Managing Emotional Wellness

  1. Practice mindfulness: mindfulness itself is the basic ability to be in the moment, aware of where you are and what you are doing, and not overly reactive to the things around us (mindful). Practicing mindfulness meditation helps with emotional regulation, stress management, and reduces rumination (APA). For tips on how to practice mindfulness, check out this Mindful article.
  2. Connect with people: social connections with the people that matter to you can help with maintaining emotional wellbeing. Having a social group that can understand you and support you can help with dealing with loneliness, healthy coping mechanisms, and can be a source of motivation in recovery from adversity (Hope in Depression) These connections don’t always have to be people you know in real life; in addition to friends and family, there are also support groups on online social platforms such as Facebook for people who may have something in common such as grieving the passing of a loved one.
  3. Practice self-acceptance: Not every day in life is going to be perfect, and often the harshest critic in our life is ourselves. While we can't help but be hard on ourselves, it is important to also practice self-acceptance and forgive yourself when things don't go the way you want it to go (whether it was in your control or not). Practicing self-compassion by believing you are capable and surrounding yourself with positive affirmations can help you move towards your goals, boost your self-confidence, and lead to a happier outlook in life (McLean Care).
  4. Learn how to cope with difficult situations: learning how to navigate difficult life events (such as the death of a loved one) can help with the processing of the event and managing the grief that it brought. Talking to trusted people (family, friends, or a counsellor), creative outlets (art, music, journalling), or just doing things that comfort you like going on a walk or binge watching your favourite show can help you move forward from the grief (NIH).
  5. Take care of yourself physically: emotional wellness is dependent on your physical wellness too; being in a safe environment, getting enough sleep, eating adequately, and maintaining hygiene are all contributors to emotional wellness. For example, when you don't get enough good sleep, your cognitive function is compromised, and you might not be able to think clearly or make sound decisions (Columbia Psychiatry).
  6. Get help when you need it: it’s normal for everyone to have a bad day or two. However, when those bad days keep coming and they start to negatively impact your life (such as being unable to do work, frequent emotional bouts, excessive substance use), getting professional help may be necessary to pull you out of those bad days. The university offers counselling services for enrolled students and counselling through the EAP for employees. Remember, everyone deserves to get the help they need, and there is no judgment when doing so.

Video's With Tips on Managing Emotional Wellness

Emotional Wellness by the Learning Portal

Emotional Mastery: The Gifted Wisdom of Unpleasant Feelings by Dr. Joan Rosenberg

 ncreasing physical activity: working towards wellbeing by Black Dog Institute (arguably belongs to physical wellness)


Looking to enhance your emotional wellness? Below are some resources both on and off campus, as well as general information related to emotional wellness.

On Campus Emotional Wellness Resources

Off Campus Emotional Wellness Resources

General Emotional Wellness Information