More Feet on the Ground!

More Feet on the Ground is a free online course intended as a one-stop shop for any campus professional or student leader looking to learn  how to recognize, respond and refer students experiencing mental health issues on campus.

This resource was developed by the Council of Ontario Universities, Brock University, and the Centre for Innovation in Campus Mental Health, which is funded by the Ontario Government.

We encourage you to explore their website (you will need to create an account) and take the twenty-minute course to receive a More Feet on the Ground Certificate, and support student mental health and well-being!

The Spring 2016 National College Health Assessment (NCHA), a national online survey that collects information on students’ health behaviours, attitudes, and perceptions, indicated that depression, anxiety and suicide attempts are increasing among Ontario’s post-secondary students.

  • 46% of students reported feeling so depressed in the previous year it was difficult to function  (increased from 40% in 2013);
  • 65% of students reported experiencing overwhelming anxiety in the previous year (up
  • from 58% in 2013);
  • 14% had seriously considered suicide in the previous year (up from 11% in 2013);
  • 2.2% of students reported a suicide attempt within the previous year (up from 1.5% in 2013);
  • 9% had indicated that they had attempted suicide, but not in the previous year
Remote video URL

To complete the workshop and receive your certificate:

Would you like to complete the course in-person with others?

  • Join us on Thurs, March 6th from 3:00 - 4:00 pm in Faculty Hall (E7-7303/7363).
  • We will review the content, discuss real life examples, review campus resources, and complete the module together.