Learning to Recharge

It may seem like a good work or study strategy to just do one more thing or push through. But, in fact, our focus and productivity go down when our energy is depleted. This means that we have to work harder and longer to get the same results that we would have had if we took the time to recharge.

There are several factors that can lead to feeling rundown, tired, or depleted. It is important to recognize that fatigue or feeling depleted can be a symptom of several significant health conditions. If your symptoms last longer than three weeks, and are not improved by getting enough rest, please see your physician.

Part of learning to recharge is determining what we need, or what we need first. There are many great ways to do this. For ease, we have grouped suggestions into four categories: care, calm, relax, and energize. See each section for details and a limited list of activities that might be helpful.

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