The showcase will take place Wednesday, April 5, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:20 p.m. and Thursday, April 6, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:20 p.m. in STC 2001 (the second-floor foyer of the Science Teaching Complex).
This event will involve 29 sections of ENGL/SPCOM 193, 18 different instructors, and over 700 students.
Students throughout the event will display projects that they have produced in this course, including conference posters, research projects, and media presentations. This is an opportunity to observe how ENGL/SPCOM 193 engages students with science communication to multiple audiences, and how the course engages with the University Communication Requirements (UCR) initiative. We are eager to share the course’s output with any interested visitors.
Please let us know that you are coming! Instructors and administrators will be excited to talk to you. Please RSVP online.
Please contact George Lamont, Assoc. Chair for UCR courses in the Dept. of English (glamont@uwaterloo.ca), if you have questions.