Undergraduate study at uWaterloo English offers you a range of courses covering topics from medieval literature to graphic novels, and from classical rhetoric to digital media design. You can take four-year honours or general degrees in four areas:
- Literature
- Rhetoric, Media, and Professional Communication
- Literature and Rhetoric
- Creative and Professional Writing
You can enrich your Honours degree with specializations in creative writing, digital media studies, global literature, or technical writing. And if you'd like to combine study with work experience, you can take your Honours English degree in co-op mode. For an overview of your options, see the Undergraduate programs page.
We also a offer a three-year general degree, as well as minors in English and technical writing.
Your degree will introduce you to the world of English studies and provide you with writing skills, critical savvy, and broad cultural knowledge. Because our class enrolments are capped at 25 to 40, your professor will know your name. See the links below for more information.
Introductory information and what our students have to say
Degree options and specializations.
Our courses, and what's being offered this year.
Connecting with other students in the department and on campus.
What you can do with an English degree, and what our grads have done.
Contacts, forms, and assistance for undergraduates.
Educational, Volunteer, and Job Opportunities, as well as Events, Courses, and Contests.
Answers to commonly asked questions about undergraduate English.