Saturday, October 22, 2022

We're proud to announce the names of the English Language and Literature students who are graduating this fall. Congratulations to all!
Graduate Students
Jennifer Doyle
Ian Gibson
MA (Literary Studies)
Hannah Gardiner
Helen Hamilton-Doucet
Lisa Stemmler
MA (Rhetoric and Communication Design
Darren McAlmont
MJ Singh
Undergraduate Students
English Literature
Emily Christina Lanesmith
Bhumi Jayant Patel
Saumya Singhal
English Literature and Rhetoric
Abigail Anita Amstutz
Sammy Mirandola
Kristen Elizabeth Smyth
Kris Bharat Sonny
English Rhetoric, Media, and Professional Communication
Mehsheed Zahra Bokhari
Will Duong
Zoha Eman
Evan Tyler Koop
Husneya Nasim
Isaac Nathaniel Serif
Nicole Dela Ami Tay