Katherine Acheson
Email: koa@uwaterloo.ca |
- Early Modern literature and culture
- Visual culture
- Visual rhetoric
Carol Acton
Email: cgacton@uwaterloo.ca |
- War in literature and life-writing
- Autobiography
- Modern British writers, especially non-canonical women writers
Lamees Al Ethari
Email: lalethari@uwaterloo.ca
- Life Writing/Women’s Life Writing
- Arab and Arab North American literature, history, and culture
- Diaspora and Postcolonial Theory
- War and Trauma Theory and Literature
- Transnational and Immigrant Literature
- Ethnic American Literature
Veronica Austen
Email: vjausten@uwaterloo.ca |
- Canadian literature
- Caribbean literature
- Diaspora studies
- Contemporary poetry and poetics
- Visual arts in literature
Aparajita Bhandari
Email: aparajita.bhandari@uwaterloo.ca
- Critical Algorithm/critical data studies
- Feminist media studies
- Social media studies
- Cultural theory
- Community engaged and participatory research
- Media and materiality
Jennifer Clary-Lemon
Email: jclarylemon@uwaterloo.ca |
- Writing Theory and Pedagogy
- Material Rhetorics/Rhetorical New Materialism
- Environmental Rhetorics
- Methods and Methodology
- Rhetorics of Location and Place
Frankie Condon
Email: fcondon@uwaterloo.ca |
- Cross-cultural and antiracist rhetorics
- Critical race theory and rhetoric
- Public rhetorics and social change
- Writing theory, practice, and pedagogy
Tristanne Connolly
Email: tjconnol@uwaterloo.ca |
- British Romantic literature and culture (especially poetry)
- William Blake
- Erasmus Darwin
- Gender and sexuality
- Medical writing and illustration
- Literature and science
- Religion and literature
Bruce Dadey
Email: badadey@uwaterloo.ca
- Rhetorical theory and history
- Professional Communication
- Composition theory
- American literature
- Non-fiction prose studies (particularly American writers)
- Graphic narratives
Andrew Deman
Email: jademan@uwaterloo.ca
- Graphic Narrative
- Fan Culture
- Comics
- Science Fiction
- Chris Claremont
Stacy Denton
Email: sdenton@uwaterloo.ca |
- Representations of Rurality and Class
- Postwar US Literature and Film
- Studies in Media and Popular Culture
- Interdisciplinary Methodologies
- Feminist Pedagogy
Danielle Deveau
Email: d2deveau@uwaterloo.ca |
- User Experience Design
- Content Strategy
- Urban Economic Development
- Cultural Scenes and Creative Cities
- Cultural Mapping
Chrysanne DiMarco
Email: cdimarco@uwaterloo.ca
- Computational rhetoric
- Computational linguistics
- Human language technologies
- Health informaticas
- Persuasive language technologies
Jay Dolmage
Email: dolmage@uwaterloo.ca |
- Rhetorical theory and history
- Composition theory and pedagogy
- Disability studies
Fraser Easton
Email: easton@uwaterloo.ca |
- Eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century literature
- Defoe, Smart, Edgeworth, and Austen
- Gender, sexuality, and class
- Political economy
- Popular culture
Lai-Tze Fan
Email: lai-tze.fan@uwaterloo.ca |
- Digital media, history, and representation
- Storytelling across media forms
- Technological cultures and infrastructures (especially materiality, sustainability, and gendered labour)
- Critical and creative digital humanities (including electronic literature)
- Post-1945 and contemporary American and British literature
Clive Forrester
Email: clive.forrester@uwaterloo.ca |
Kenneth Graham
Email: k2graham@uwaterloo.ca |
- Renaissance and Reformation Literature, including Shakespeare and Milton
- Poetry
- Literature and rhetoric
Dorothy Hadfield
Email: dhadfield@uwaterloo.ca |
- Canadian Drama and Theatre
- Fin-de-Siecle Literature and Drama (British and Canadian)
- Historiography and Politics of Literary and Theatrical Production
- Composition Pedagogy
- Online Pedagogy and Learning
Jennifer Harris
Email: jennifer.harris@uwaterloo.ca |
- Nineteenth-century American Literature
- African American Literature
- Cultural studies
Randy Harris
Email: raha@uwaterloo.ca
- Rhetoric (especially computational and cognitive rhetoric, rhetoric of science, history and theory of rhetoric)
- Professional communication (especially document design, usability, and multimedia)
- Interaction design (especially speech)
- Linguistics (especially cognitive linguistics and history of linguistics)
- Cognitive Poetics (especially the affective dimensions of linguistic and textual form in literature)
- Construction Grammar (especially the intersection of everyday expressions and rhetorical schemes)
Ken Hirschkop
Email: khirschk@uwaterloo.ca |
- Cultural and literary theory (especially Bakhtin, the Frankfurt School, Marxist theory, Raymond Williams)
- Politics and language
- Modern philosophy of language
- Critical media studies
- Urban culture
Shelley Hulan
Email: shulan@uwaterloo.ca |
- Nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Canadian writing.
Andrea Jonahs
Email: ajonahs@uwaterloo.ca |
- Critical discourse analysis
- Critical race theory
- Race and new media
Norm Klassen
Email: n3klasse@uwaterloo.ca |
- Chaucer
- Medieval English literature
- Medieval humanism
Alysia Kolentsis
Email: amkolentsis@uwaterloo.ca |
- Shakespeare
- Early modern drama and poetry
- History of English
Alice Kuzniar
Email: akuzniar@uwaterloo.ca
- Cinema studies
- Queer studies
- Animal studies
- History of medicine
- Psychoanalytic approaches to literature and film
George Lamont
Email: glamont@uwaterloo.ca |
- Translation theory
- Structure of the English language
- Rhetoric
- Communications in Engineering and the sciences
Victoria Lamont
Email: vlamont@uwaterloo.ca |
- American literature
- Popular culture
- American women’s writing
Kate Lawson
Email: klawson@uwaterloo.ca |
- Victorian literature and culture, especially fiction from the 1840s and 1850s.
Heather Love
Email: heather.love@uwaterloo.ca |
- Twentieth-century literature
- American and transatlantic modernism
- Interdisciplinary approaches to literary study
- Literature, science, and technology
- Literature and medicine/medical humanities
Michael MacDonald
Email: m2macdon@uwaterloo.ca |
- History and Theory of Rhetoric
- Media Studies
Kevin McGuirk
Email: kmcguirk@uwaterloo.ca |
- American literature and culture after WWII (especially poetry)
- Post-romantic poetics
- Twentieth-century literatures and film
Andrew McMurry
Email: amcmurry@uwaterloo.ca |
Ashley Rose Mehlenbacher
Email: ashley.mehlenbacher@uwaterloo.ca |
- Rhetoric (history and theory of rhetoric, rhetoric of science and technology, digital rhetoric, rhetorical genre studies)
- Communication studies (science communication, environmental communication, organizational communication, media theory)
- Professional and technical communication, especially scientific proposal writing and notions of expertise in socio-technical spheres of discourse, and also emerging online genres
- Qualitative methods
Brad Mehlenbacher
Email: brad.mehlenbacher@uwaterloo.ca |
- Rhetoric
- Cognition and learning theory
- Instructional technology and communication design
- Technical, engineering, and science communication
- User experience, human-computer interaction, usability
- Game studies and learning design
Aimee Morrison
Email: ahm@uwaterloo.ca
- Information technology in literature
- Electronic textualities
- Digital media
- History and theory of media
- Popular cybercultures
Carter Neal
Email: carter.neal@uwaterloo.ca
- American Literature
- Emerson Studies
- Fuller Studies
- Transcendentalism
Vinh Nguyen
Email: vinh.nguyen@uwaterloo.ca
- Asian Diaspora Literatures
- War, Refugee, and Migration studies
- Affect theory
- Cultural Studies
John North
Email: jsnorth@uwaterloo.ca |
- Victorian literature
- Bibliography
- Children's literature
- Literature and the Bible
- C.S. Lewis and his circle
Marcel O'Gorman
Email: marcel@uwaterloo.ca |
- Critical theory
- Media theory
- Digital humanities
- Digital art and design
- Posthumanities
- Cyberculture
- Techno-Romanticism
- New critical methodologies
Neil Randall
Email: nrandall@uwaterloo.ca
- Game studies
- Virtual worlds
- Rhetoric and semiotics of Human-Computer Interaction
- Semiotics of games and game design
- J. R. R. Tolkien
- Practice and analysis of various genres of professional writing: technical documentation, magazine journalism, multimedia production
John Savarese
email: john.savarese@uwaterloo.ca
- Romantic literature
- Poetry and poetics
- History and philosophy of science
Megan Selinger
email: megan.selinger@uwaterloo.ca |
- Renaissance & Reformation drama and literature – especially Shakespeare
- Performance Studies
- Narrative theory
- Canadian drama
- Professional writing and communication – especially document design, usability, and multimedia production
- Victorian literature
- Gothic studies
Winfried Siemerling
Email: wsiemerl@uwaterloo.ca |
- Canadian literature and culture, North American literatures and cultures
- Black North American writing (including francophone Quebec)
- Race and ethnicity
- Postcolonial writing
- Diaspora writing
- Hemispheric studies
- Literary and critical theory (including Frankfurt School)
- Jazz and literature
Heather Smyth
Email: hsmyth@uwaterloo.ca |
- Postcolonial literatures and theory
- Caribbean literature
- Feminist theory
- Canadian literature
- Postcolonial queer studies
Imre Szeman
Email: iszeman@uwaterloo.ca
- Environmental communication
- Energy justice
- Literary and critical theory
- Cultural studies
Sarah Tolmie
Email: stolmie@uwaterloo.ca |
- Middle English literature and historiography
- Middle Scots literature and historiography
- Premodern theory of mind and embodiment
- Creative writing
- Cognitive poetics
Paul Ugor
Email: pugor@uwaterloo.ca
- Modern African Literature
- African Cinema/Nollywood
- Black Popular Culture
- Cultural Theory
- African Youth Studies
- Postcolonial Anglophone World Literatures
Linda Warley
Associate Professor Emerita |
- Canadian literary studies in all genres (especially post-WWII to the present);
- Auto/biography studies generally;
- First Nations and Métis literatures.
Brianna I. Wiens
Email: biwiens@uwaterloo.ca
- Feminist media studies
- Feminist and queer affect studies
- Feminist new materialisms and posthumanisms
- Digital activisms and networked social movements
- Social media cultures
- Rhetorics of design
- Design equity, data feminism, and data justice
- Critical approaches to technology
David-Antoine Williams
Email: david.williams@uwaterloo.ca |
Chad Wriglesworth
Email: cwriglesworth@uwaterloo.ca |
- Twentieth century American literature
- Ecocriticism and place studies
- Religion and American culture
- Native American literature
- Literature and the American West
Vershawn Young
Email: vershawn.young@uwaterloo.ca
- African American Performance (drama and theatre, performance of everyday life, performance of gender [masculinity])
- African Americans Studies (esp. African Americans and U.S. Law after Jim Crow)
- Composition and Rhetoric (Translingual Writing, Code Meshing, Code Switching, Relationship between speech/oral communication and writing/composition)
- African American literature (Dramatic Literature of the Harlem Renaissance, Late 20th/21st Century Authors, James Baldwin)