119 W20 Forrester

University of Waterloo

In association with Department of English Language and Literature

ENGL 119 - Communications in Math & Computer Science

Instructor: Dr. Clive Forrester
Term: Winter 2020
Class times: Mon. & Wed. 8:30-9:50am (Sec. 4) / Mon. & Wed. 10:00-11:20am (Sec. 5) Classroom: EV3406
Room HH141, Mon. 2:30-3:30pm (or by appointment)

Email: clive.forrester@uwaterloo.ca​ ext: 37905

Course Description:

“T​heir bags are packed with calculators, protractors and new pencils, but the curriculum Ontario kids will learn in math class this fall might be what’s dragging down their math scores.”

Ashley Csanady, National Post Sept. 5, 2016 “Ontario’s math scores started declining as students took the new curriculum, according to EQAO data.”

Educators at the high school level are describing the current declining math scores in Ontario as a “crisis.” Some attribute this to a general fear and discomfort with the subject, but also to intimidating and unengaging methods of communicating topics in mathematics. This course hopes to address the latter problem - how experts and practitioners of math communicate core principles in the subject area without alienating the layperson. We will draw on a variety of communication techniques, ranging from report writing, group and individual presentations as well as portfolio creation in an effort to develop a skill set needed to strengthen math enthusiasts as competent and effective communicators.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this course, participants should be able to:

  • Demonstrate the principles of critical thinking, reading and writing
  • Create original material for the communication of math concepts
  • Present information in a professional and engaging manner
  • Confidently execute an interview
  • Understand the specific communication strategy(ies) needed for a task





Readings & Assignments


Jan 6

Intro. & Foundations


  • Course structure and objectives
  • Methods of assessment
  • Expectations
  • Is there a “math crisis” in Ontario

Read​: C.D. Howe Institute ​article

Jan 8

Communication Theory (cont’d)

  • What can we learn from communication theories?
  • Aspects of technical communication
  • Group formation

Handbook: Ch. 1, pp. 5-11.


Jan 13

Communicating with different audiences

  • Government/policy makers
  • General public
  • Media

Engl for Pres. Ch. 6, pp. 75-79

Jan 15

Analytical Report

Writing in Math & Computer Sci

  • Style and layout of scientific writing
  • Preparing reports

Handbook: Ch. 1, pp. 5-14


Jan 20

Report #1: Planning

  • Narrow topic for report
  • Gather data
  • Prepare draft

Jan 22

Presentation #1: Planning

  • Gathering content
  • Choosing style
  • Execution

Engl. for Pres.: Ch. 8, pp. 99-110


Jan 27

Presentation planning (cont’d)

  • Group presentation using traditional presentation tools

Handbook: Ch. 4, pp. 53-58


Jan 29


Presentation #1 - First batch



Feb 3

Presentation #1 - Second batch

Report #1 Due

Feb 5

Executive Summary

Writing an executive summary

  • Purpose and layout
  • Data gathering for exec. Summary
  • Drafting & assessing solutions

Engl. for Pres.: Ch. 9, pp. 111-118


Feb 10

Report #2: Planning

  • Putting together the exec summary
  • Using graphs and tables

Feb 12

Presentation #2: Planning

  • Software and tools to enhance presentations
  • Use in the professional setting

Engl. for Pres.: Ch. 2, pp. 7-12


Feb 17

Reading Week No Classes

Feb 19


Feb 24


Presentation planning (cont’d)

  • Multimodal presentation

Feb 26

Presentation #2: First batch



Mar 2

Presentation #2: Second batch

Report #2 Due

Mar 4

Professional Portfolio

Doing Research

  • Research writing in math and computer science
  • Creating short research outlines


Mar 9

Report #3

  • Design professional portfolio to showcase current work

Mar 11

Designing booth-style presentations

  • Using the tradeshow approach to presentation

Engl. for Pres.: Ch. 12, pp. 149-155


Mar 16


Presentation planning

  • Research poster design and presentations in professional contexts

Mar 18

Presentation #3: First batch



Mar 23

Presentation #3: Second batch


Mar 25


Course Review and Wrap Up


Mar 30


Final report due March 30th

Report #3 Due

Recommended Texts (all readings are added to LEARN)

Higham, N. J. (1998). ​Handbook of writing for the mathematical sciences​. Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.

Wallwork, A. (2016). ​English for presentation at International Conferences​ (2nd ed.). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.

Assessment breakdown

1. Class participation​ ​(10%)​: This mark is based on the following:

  1. Consistent and early attendance at class (especially during presentation dates)

  2. Willingness to volunteer answers and contribute to discussion

  3. Avoiding disruptive activities (e.g. having side discussions or browsing social media during class)

2. Writing & presentation skills class activities (15%): ​Each week, you will be given an exercise to complete as a means of strengthening your skillset in this course. The mark for this area is based on a timely completion of all activities cumulatively.

3. Report Writing​ ​(45% - 3 x 15% each)​: Each student will individually prepare three written reports based on different aspects of the math crisis throughout the course. Detailed instructions for this assignment will be given for each report.

4. Presentations​ ​(30% - 3 x 10% each)​: This will be done in groups on specific topics related to the course material. Presenters will use a variety of presentation tools and styles to deliver the content.

Keeping in Touch With Me

While you try to figure out your place at the university, feel free to stop by during office hours and have a chat about your writing. If for some reason you can’t come to the scheduled office hours, we can make an appointment to meet virtually via Skype or Facetime. Most importantly, do not wait until you feel completely overwhelmed to seek help. Let’s start talking as early as possible.

Academic Integrity

In order to maintain a culture of academic integrity, members of the University of
Waterloo community are expected to promote honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility. See the​ ​UWaterloo Academic Integrity Webpage (https://uwaterloo.ca/academic-integrity/)​ and the​ ​Arts Academic Integrity Office Webpage (http://arts.uwaterloo.ca/current-undergraduates/academic-responsibility)​ for more information.


A student is expected to know what constitutes academic integrity to avoid committing academic offenses and to take responsibility for his/her actions. A student who is unsure whether an action constitutes an offense, or who needs help in learning how to avoid offenses (e.g., plagiarism, cheating) or about “rules” for group work/collaboration should seek guidance from the course professor, academic advisor, or the undergraduate associate dean. For information on categories of offenses and types of penalties, students should refer to​ Policy 71, Student Discipline (http://www.adm.uwaterloo.ca/infosec/Policies/policy71.htm)​. For typical penalties check​ Guidelines for the Assessment of Penalties (http://www.adm.uwaterloo.ca/infosec/guidelines/penaltyguidelines.htm)​.