109 F21 Hadfield

ENGL 109 (013): Course Schedule

The following schedule lists the course content pages and the activities and assignments associated with each page’s lesson. The due dates for

The following schedule lists the course content pages and the activities and assignments associated with each page. See the content pages for required readings and more information about the activities and assignments.

Dates listed below indicate when you activities and assignments must be submitted, but you should plan to start them well before the due date to give yourself enough time to complete them.

Submissions listed with a point value contribute towards your “Weekly Activities” mark. Percent values indicate the weight of assignment submissions towards your final grade.

Unit 1: Course Introduction (weeks 1-2)


Topics and Submissions


End/Due Date

Week 1

Getting Started with this Course

Submit: Rights and Responsibilities Agreement (Quiz)

1 point

Wednesday, Sept. 8 at 11:55pm

Purpose and Audience

Submit: Know your Syllabus (Quiz)

2 points

Friday, Sept. 10 at 11:55pm

Tone, Style and Structure

Submit: Introduce Yourself (Discussion)

2 points

Monday, Sept. 13 at 11:55pm

Week 2

 Getting Started on the Writing Process

Submit: Brainstorming Practice (PebblePad)

3 points

Wednesday, Sept. 15 at 11:55pm

The Feedback and Revision Loop


Submit: Reflecting Practice (PebblePad)

5 points

Monday, Sept. 20 at 11:55pm

Unit 2: Narratives (weeks 3-4)


Topics and Submissions


End/Due Date

Week 3

Understanding Narratives

Work with a Sample

Submit: Narrative Revision Suggestions (Discussion)

2 points

Friday, Sept. 24 at 11:55pm

Your Turn: Draft Your Narrative

Submit: Brainstorming Narrative (PebblePad)

3 points

Monday, Sept. 27 at 11:55pm

Week 4

Post your Draft Narrative for Peer Review

Submit: Draft Narrative for Peer Review (Discussion)

2 points

Wednesday, Sept. 29 at 11:55pm

Give and Get Feedback: Narratives

Submit: Narrative Peer Reviews (Discussion)

6 points

Friday, Oct. 1 at 11:55pm

Revise, Submit, Reflect: Narratives


  • Revision plan (PebblePad)
  • Narrative Final Draft (Dropbox)
  • Reflection (PebblePad)
5 points


5 points

Monday, October 4 at 11:55pm

Unit 3: Research Skills (weeks 5-6)


Topics and Submissions


End/Due Date

Week 5

Getting Started with Research

Finding and Evaluating sources

Submit: Module Completion

3 points

Friday, Oct. 8 at 11:55pm

Fall Reading Week Break

Your Turn: Draft a Research Question

Submit: Research Question Brainstorming (PebblePad)

3 points

Monday, Oct. 18 at 11:55pm

Week 6

Integrating Quotes

Submit: Quotation Practice (PebblePad)

3 points

Wednesday, Oct. 20 at


Summary and Paraphrase

Submit: Sample Summary and Paraphrase (Discussion)

2 points

Friday, Oct. 22 at


Using Your Sources

Submit: Summary, Paraphrase, Quotation (Dropbox)


Monday, Oct. 25 at


Unit 4: Reports (weeks 7-8)


Topics and Submissions


End/Due Date

Week 7

Understanding Reports

Work with a Sample

Submit: Report Revision Suggestions (Discussion)

2 points

Friday, Oct. 29 at 11:55pm

Your Turn: Draft a Report

Submit: Report Brainstorming (PebblePad)

3 points

Monday, Nov. 1 at 11:55pm

Week 8

Post your Draft Report for Peer Review

Submit: Draft Report for Peer Review (Discussion)

2 points

Wednesday, Nov. 3 at


Give and Get Feedback: Reports

Submit: Report Peer Reviews (Discussion)

6 points

Friday, Nov. 5 at 11:55pm

Revise, Submit, Reflect: Reports


  • Revision plan (PebblePad)
  • Report Final Draft (Dropbox)
  • Reflection (PebblePad)
5 points


5 points

Monday, November 8 at 11:55pm

Unit 5: Arguments (weeks 9-11)


Topics and Submissions


End/Due Date

Week 9

Understanding Arguments

Types of Arguments

Appeals: Logos, Ethos, Pathos

Submit: Appealing Appeals (Discussion)

2 points

Monday, Nov. 15 at 11:55pm

Week 10

Structuring an Argument

Work with a Sample

Submit: Argument Revision Suggestions (Discussion)

2 points

Friday, Nov. 19 at


Your Turn: Draft an Argument

Submit: Argument Brainstorming (PebblePad)

3 points

Monday, Nov. 22 at


Week 11

Post your Draft Argument for Peer Review

Submit: Draft Argument for Peer Review (Discussion)

2 points

Wednesday, Nov. 24 at


Give and Get Feedback: Arguments

Submit: Argument Peer Reviews (Discussion)

6 points

Friday, Nov. 26 at


Revise, Submit, Reflect: Arguments


  • Revision plan (PebblePad)
  • Argument Final Draft (Dropbox)
  • Reflection (PebblePad)
5 points


5 points

Monday, November 29 at 11:55pm

Unit 6: Final Project (week 12)


Topics and Submissions


End/Due Date

Week 12

Seeing the (Big) Picture

Course Review

Submit: Wisdom Wall (Discussion)

2 points

Friday, Dec. 3 at


Final Project Description

Submit: Final Project


Monday, December 13

at 11:55pm