Get Published

Interested in being published? Here you'll find a list of resources and opportunities to help you.

Inventio is an online student-run literary magazine that publishes exciting works of fiction, poetry, non-fiction, and art from undergrad students across Ontario. We encourage creative expression in all forms, including experimental works that utilize, blend, and defy genre conventions. We also accept digital works created with code.

We are accepting submissions for Issue 4.2 until February 25th. All submissions must be original and unpublished. Coursework is allowed. To learn how to submit, check out our submissions guidelines

You can learn more about us by visiting our website. You can also follow us on Instagram @inventiopwsa.

The Logberg

The Logberg-Heimskringla is the oldest continuously published ethnic newspaper in North America. The newspaper is published in English every two weeks, for a total of 24 issues each year. It fulfills an important function by creating community for those of Icelandic descent in Canada and the United States and providing a link between Iceland and North America.

We invite students in journalism, creative writing and communications programs to submit an article for the Logberg. Writers retain copyright in their submissions, however, the Logberg does not pay for submissions.

There is a very broad range of topics that would be of interest to our readers, such as sustainable tourism, geothermal energy, the challenges facing a small population wishing to retain its language, addressing homelessness in a harsh winter climate.

Please see the page on our website How Do I Get Published? which provides general information as well as contact information for our Editor, Stefan Jonasson. Submissions should include the writer’s name and a short (one-line is sufficient) description of who they are, e.g. 3rd year student in Rhetoric, Media, and Professional Communication at Waterloo. Pictures accompanying written submissions are welcome.