ENGL 292 F22 MacDonald

ENGL 292

English 292: Rhetorical Theory and Criticism

Professor Michael MacDonald m2macdon@uwaterloo.ca

Office Hours (HH 256): Tuesday and Thursday from 1:00–2:00 (and by appointment)

The systematic study of effective composition, argument, and persuasion—the art of rhetoric—dates back at least to the epics of Homer and flourishes today in countless academic disciplines and spheres of social life. In fact, the historical “empire” of rhetoric is so vast that it “digests regimes, religions, and civilizations” (Roland Barthes). This class seeks to introduce students to some of the essential concepts, issues, and controversies in the history and theory of rhetoric by analyzing selections from seminal primary texts from antiquity to the present. In addition to demonstrating the relevance of rhetorical theory and criticism to a variety of social and intellectual fields (law, politics, science, feminism, literature, and others), the class also explores emerging forms of rhetorical theory and practice such as information warfare and indigenous rhetorics of sovereignty and “survivance” (Gerald Vizenor). Ideally, students will leave the class with a firm grasp of rhetorical theory and criticism and a deeper appreciation for rhetoric as an inventive, critical, and multimodal art.



8 W1 Administration

13 W2   The Sophistic Revolution: Gorgias, “Encomium of Helen”* 15 W2   The Sophistic Revolution: Aristophanes, Clouds (first half) 20 W3 The Sophistic Revolution: Aristophanes, Clouds (second half) 22 W3 Rhetoric and Politics: Aristotle, Rhetoric (selections)

27 W4 The Rhetorical Field: George Kennedy, “A Hoot in the Dark”

29 W4 The Rhetorical Field: Mariah Edgeworth, “The Noble Art of Self-Justification”; Stanley Fish, “Rhetoric”


4 W5 Rhetoric and Feminism: Helene Cixous, “The Laugh of the Medusa”

6 W5 Rhetoric and Feminism: Luce Irigaray, “The Power of Discourse and the Subordination of the Feminine”

11 W6 No Class: Reading Week 13 W6 No Class: Reading Week

18 W7 Rhetoric and Discourse Analysis: Michel Foucault, “The Order of Discourse”; Sarah Ahmed, “How Not to Do Things with Words”

http://sites.cortland.edu/wagadu/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2017/02/v16-how-not-to-do-ahmed.pdf 20 W7 Rhetoric and Science: Bruno Latour, “The Rhetoric of Science”

NB: Essay 1 due in Dropbox

25 W8 Rhetoric and Race: Gloria Anzaldua, “How to Tame a Wild Tongue,” “Tlilli, Tlapia”

27 W8 Rhetoric and Race: Henry Louis Gates, Jr., “The Signifyin(g) Monkey and the Language of Signifyin(g)


1 W9     Indigenous Rhetorics: Scott Richard Lyons, “Rhetorical Sovereignty: What Do American Indians


Want from Writing?”; The Indian Act (https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/i-5/FullText.html) 3 W9 Indigenous Rhetorics: Lisa King, “Rhetorical Sovereignty and Rhetorical Alliance in the Writing

Classroom: Using American Indian Texts”; The Indian Act

8 W10 Rhetoric and Literature: Gerard Manley Hopkins, “God’s Grandeur,” “The Windhover,” “Pied Beauty,” “Spelt from Sybil’s Leaves,” “That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire,” “Spring and Fall,” “To

R. B.”

10 W10 Rhetoric and Literature: Lee Maracle, “Oral Poetry,” “Globalization and Indigenous Writing,” “Oratory: Coming To Theory,” “Oratory on Oratory” (https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/waterloo/reader.action?docID=5325965)

15 W11 Rhetoric and Semiology: Roland Barthes, Mythologies (selections)

17 W11 Rhetoric and Semiology: Louis Marin, “Disneyland: A Degenerate Utopia”

22 W12 Rhetoric and Advertising: Linda Scott, “Images in Advertising: The Need for a Visual Rhetoric” 24 W12 Rhetoric and Advertising: Chris Miles and Tomas Nilsson, “Marketing as Rhetoric”; analysis of

Dignity International advertisement (handout)

29 W13 Rhetoric and Information Warfare: Ignas Kalpokas, “Information Warfare on Social Media: A Brand Management Perspective”; US Army Field Manual 3-13: The Conduct of Information Operations (selections) (https://fas.org/irp/doddir/army/atp3-13-1.pdf)


1 W13 Conclusions

7 Essay 2 due in dropbox

*Link to the Gorgias text in case you do not have the reader yet: http://myweb.fsu.edu/jjm09f/RhetoricSpring2012/Gorgias%20Encomium%20of%20Helen.pdf


This course will use UW LEARN for announcements, posting reading responses, submitting assignments, etc. Please familiarize yourself with this website and visit it regularly.

The Blogora

The on-line learning environment offers unique opportunities for the lively and informed exchange of ideas and multimedia artefacts. The “Blogora” is designed to be an informal, collective discussion space for investigating rhetoric, especially as it functions in everyday life (look under “Connect” and “Discussions” on LEARN). Posts in the Blogora may therefore take any form and discuss any aspect of rhetoric that interests you. They may include analysis of any kind of rhetorical artefact in any medium—videos, texts, events, images, advertisements, speeches, gestures, musical compositions, websites, trends, social practices, etc. (please paste the link or artefact in your post). While you are not required to post in the Blogora, it is a fun and rewarding way to share ideas and generate discussion.

Assignments And Grading 


10% Participation in class discussion 20% Reading responses

35% Essay 1 (due October 20)

35% Essay 2 (due December 7)



Students are expected to contribute to class discussion on a regular basis. This involves 1) participating in daily group work (15 minutes or so) and 2) discussing reading responses, raising ideas for discussion, responding to others, asking questions, etc.

Reading Responses (minimum 150 words)

For each class, students are required to write a reading response that provides three reasons why each text under discussion for the day is important to the study of rhetoric as you understand it. It need not be a unified paragraph. In addition to demonstrating that you have read and reflected on the texts, responses serve as the basis for informed class discussion. They also form an archive that can be consulted while writing essays.

Responses should be 1) submitted to the LEARN “Reading Responses” Dropbox by 11:00 PM the day they are due and 2) pasted (not uploaded as a file) into the “Reading Responses” section of the LEARN website for colleagues to read and comment upon (look under “Connect” and “Discussions” on LEARN). You must first post your response in order to see colleagues’ posts. In addition, please print out and bring your responses to class and be prepared to discuss them during the class. NB: please note that late responses will not be accepted (the dropbox times out).

Students are encouraged to read and respond to classmates’ posted reading responses on LEARN. Although this is not required, engaging and interacting with your colleagues and their responses to the assigned texts not only helps them improve their work but also fosters a collegial, encouraging and collaborative learning environment.

Given the number of responses submitted in each class it is not feasible to provide written feedback on responses, though I will comment on responses in class. Responses are read but graded quantitatively, not qualitatively—credit is earned for completing the assignment.


A minimum of 150 words; 12 point Times New Roman font; double-spaced; Word doc or docx; 2 cm. margins. Please state the word count of your response at the top of the page.

Essay 1 (minimum 2500 words [approx. 8 pp.])

Write an essay in which you compare and/or contrast any two texts on the first half of the syllabus (up to and including the texts on October 20). Do not merely summarize these works. Instead, isolate a key issue, theme, or problem and offer an interpretation and argument that evaluates their significance to the field of rhetorical studies as you understand it. Be sure to develop an argument over the course of the whole essay rather than simply conjoining two distinct papers. In addition, be sure to support your argument with relevant citations from the text.


2500 words; 12 point Times New Roman font; double-spaced; MS Word doc or docx; 2 cm. margins. Style: Chicago Manual of Style. Please state the word count at the top of the first page. Submit to the Essay 1 Dropbox.

Essay 2 (minimum 2500 words)


Write an essay in which you compare and/or contrast any two texts on the second half of the syllabus (after October 20). Do not merely summarize these works. Instead, isolate a key issue, theme, or problem and offer an interpretation and argument that evaluates their significance to the field of rhetorical studies as you understand it. Be sure to develop an argument over the course of the whole essay rather than simply conjoining two distinct papers. In addition, be sure to support your argument with relevant citations from the text.


2500 words; 12 point Times New Roman font; double-spaced; MS Word doc or docx; 2 cm. margins. Style: Chicago Manual of Style. Please state the word count at the top of the first page. Submit to the Essay 2 Dropbox.


Detailed editing and feedback will be provided on your essays, including corrections and comments regarding grammar, style, structure, argument, originality, and conceptual content. Essays will be graded according to the following criteria: 1) grammar; 2) style; 3) structure and coherence; 4) content; 5) argumentation, including use of evidence; 6) originality. An “A” range essay will be excellent in most of these areas; a “B” range essay will be good in most of them; a “C” range essay will be adequate in most of them; and a “D” range essay will be inadequate in most of them.



All required texts are assembled in the Course Reader, available in the UW bookstore in South Campus Hall. Students are required to purchase and bring the reader to every class so we can refer to the texts. If it is not in stock, place an order and it should arrive in a day or two.


In keeping with the University of Waterloo’s attendance policy, students are “expected to attend all meets” of the course and may be required to “present documentation proving the reasons for non-attendance” (UG Calendar). Students who miss many classes without providing adequate documentation may be penalized 5% off their final grade for each subsequent absence. Chronically absent students will not pass the course.

Essay Extensions and Grace Days

Given the unique challenges of life as a university student, it may not be possible to meet all deadlines for essay assignments. For this reason, I am willing to accommodate you wherever possible. Please do strive to submit your essays on time. However, if you cannot meet the assigned deadline, I will provide a 5-day grace period after the deadline during which you may hand in your essays without penalty.

Should you require more time beyond the 5-day grace period, please get in touch with me so we can negotiate a further extension. Again, I am happy to accommodate you in any way possible. However, if you do not get in touch with me by the end of the grace period to discuss an extension, your late essay may be subject to a penalty of 5% per day and you may not receive feedback. Please note, however, that the reading responses must be submitted on time.


Electronic Device Policy

Professors have the right to establish policies regarding electronic devices if they believe such devices interfere with the learning objectives of the class. In my experience, these devices do interfere with the learning objectives of the class. The university classroom is a social space that revolves around the collaborative work of interpreting texts and discussing ideas. This means that we need to be present and pay respectful attention to each other and to the material under discussion. For this reason, please turn off and put away laptop computers, cellular phones, and other electronic devices in class. I am willing to accommodate students with legitimate reasons for needing a laptop (beyond merely preferring one for taking notes, etc.). If you require—rather than prefer—a laptop for taking notes, please send me an email request. I may ask for documentation to confirm this requirement.


Students are expected to be informed, attentive, and collegial in class. Gossiping, note-passing and other types of uncivil behaviour may affect your participation grade.


Some students may suffer from food allergies, sensitivities, etc., so please do not bring food to class (though drinks are fine).

Accommodation And Mental Health Support 

Mental Health Support

  1. On Campus

Counselling Services: counselling.services@uwaterloo.ca. Phone: 519-888-4567 ext. 32655

MATES: a one-to-one peer support program offered by Federation of Students (FEDS) and Counselling Services. Online via Microsoft Teams to undergraduate students. To set up an appointment, please contact mates@wusa.ca

Health Services Emergency service: located across the creek from the Student Life Centre. Phone: 519-888- 4096. Open for all medical services, with modified or alternative service delivery. All appointments will be addressed via phone or video if possible.

Glow Centre: Online peer support for the LGBTQ2+ community via Skype to undergraduate students. To set up an appointment, please contact glow@wusa.ca

The Women’s Centre: Online peer support via Skype to undergraduate students. To set up an appointment, please contact womenscentre@wusa.ca

Social media abuse help page: Advice from the Office of Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion on how to handle this type of abuse.


Centre for Mental Health Research and Treatment: The University of Waterloo’s Centre for Mental Health Research and Treatment (CMHRT) offers a full range of psychological services for children, adolescents, adults, and families from the area, and we are unconstrained by geographical region.

  1. Off Campus

Good2Talk: free confidential help line for post-secondary students: 1-866-925-5454

Grand River Hospital: emergency care for mental health crisis. Phone: 519-749-4300 ext. 6880

St. Mary's Hospital: 519-744-3311

Here 24/7: Mental Health and Crisis Service Team. Phone: 1-844-437-3247

OK2BME: support services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or questioning teens in Waterloo. Phone: 519-884-0000 (extension 213)

Non-emergency Waterloo Regional Police Services: 519-653-7700

Empower Me, Mental Health Resources: 1-833-628-5589 (counselling available via phone, video, and in person; available 24/7, 365 days in 22 countries)

Full details can be found online on the Faculty of Arts website Download UWaterloo and regional mental health resources (PDF)

Download the WatSafe app to your phone to quickly access mental health support information

Accommodation for Students with Disabilities

I am especially happy to accommodate students with disabilities. If you require any kind of accommodation, please do not hesitate to reach out to me, in confidence, so I can work to help you succeed in English 309A. In addition, AccessAbility Services, located in Needles Hall, Room 1401, collaborates with all academic departments to arrange appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities without compromising the academic integrity of the curriculum. If you require academic accommodations to lessen the impact of your disability, please register with AccessAbility Services at the beginning of each academic term. For more information, please contact the Office for Persons with Disabilities (located in room 1132, on the main floor of Needles Hall; phone: 519-888-4567, extension 35082)

Academic Honesty And Integrity

Academic Integrity

In order to maintain a culture of academic integrity, members of the University of Waterloo are expected to promote honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility. Check the Office of Academic Integrity website


University of Waterloo Policy on Academic Offences (including plagiarism)

Academic Integrity: In order to maintain a culture of academic integrity, members of the University of Waterloo are expected to promote honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility.

Discipline: A student is expected to know what constitutes academic integrity, to avoid committing academic offences, and to take responsibility for his/her actions. A student who is unsure whether an action constitutes an offence, or who needs help in learning how to avoid offences (e.g., plagiarism, cheating) or about “rules” for group work/collaboration should seek guidance from the course professor, academic advisor, or the Undergraduate Associate Dean. When misconduct has been found to have occurred, disciplinary penalties will be imposed under Policy 71 – Student Discipline. For information on categories of offenses and types of penalties, students should refer to Policy 71 - Student Discipline, http://www.adm.uwaterloo.ca/infosec/Policies/policy71.htm

Grievance: A student who believes that a decision affecting some aspect of his/her university life has been unfair or unreasonable may have grounds for initiating a grievance. Read Policy 70 - Student Petitions and Grievances, Section 4, http://www.adm.uwaterloo.ca/infosec/Policies/policy70.htm

Appeals: A student may appeal the finding and/or penalty in a decision made under Policy 70 - Student Petitions and Grievances (other than regarding a petition) or Policy 71 - Student Discipline if a ground for an appeal can be established. Read Policy 72 - Student Appeals, http://www.adm.uwaterloo.ca/infosec/Policies/policy72.htm

Academic Integrity website (Arts): http://arts.uwaterloo.ca/arts/ugrad/academic_responsibility.html